Well-Known Member
As some of you may know I have had my horse, Smokey, on loan for just over a year. I was originally looking for a horse to buy but he was such a lovely horse and being on loan made having a horse a lot cheaper for me so I decided to take him on.
Anyway, for the past year I haven't heard a thing from his owner. She hasn't been to see him once since I got him in July '07, however today I got a phone call from her telling me that she has decided to sell him - for £5000!:shock:Now, I love Smokey to bits and he is a fantastic horse, but he is nowhere near worth that much! Also we can't really afford to spend 5 grand on a horse right now, so I've been in tears all afternoon at the thought of having to let him go to a new owner.
I've been to his livery yard and talked with the yard manager and some of my experienced friends there and they all agree that his owner is just beingunreasonable and obviously just needs some money right now which is why she has decided to sell him for such a ridiculous amount. Therefore I have been advised to tell her that I wont buy him for that much but will for a smaller sum (£1500/£2000 tops) and if she wont lower the price then just refuse to buy him and tell her that from now on she will have to take over care of him. Now, realistically I know no sensible person should buy him for £5000, and even if theydecide to they should change their minds ashe wont pass a vets inspectionbecause he has a chronic cough. However, I am terrified that somebody will decide to buy him and therefore I'll lose him.:tears2:
I can't stand the thought of getting rid of Smokey. He has been my rock. This past year we have gotten so close and I love him so much, I don't think I could bear to get rid of him.
Please keep all your fingers and toes crossed guys and hope that his silly owner comes to her senses soon and makes a puts a more reasonable price on him. I can't lose him, I just can't.:tears2:
Sorry for rambling on here by the way, I jsut need to vent.:X
Anyway, for the past year I haven't heard a thing from his owner. She hasn't been to see him once since I got him in July '07, however today I got a phone call from her telling me that she has decided to sell him - for £5000!:shock:Now, I love Smokey to bits and he is a fantastic horse, but he is nowhere near worth that much! Also we can't really afford to spend 5 grand on a horse right now, so I've been in tears all afternoon at the thought of having to let him go to a new owner.
I've been to his livery yard and talked with the yard manager and some of my experienced friends there and they all agree that his owner is just beingunreasonable and obviously just needs some money right now which is why she has decided to sell him for such a ridiculous amount. Therefore I have been advised to tell her that I wont buy him for that much but will for a smaller sum (£1500/£2000 tops) and if she wont lower the price then just refuse to buy him and tell her that from now on she will have to take over care of him. Now, realistically I know no sensible person should buy him for £5000, and even if theydecide to they should change their minds ashe wont pass a vets inspectionbecause he has a chronic cough. However, I am terrified that somebody will decide to buy him and therefore I'll lose him.:tears2:
I can't stand the thought of getting rid of Smokey. He has been my rock. This past year we have gotten so close and I love him so much, I don't think I could bear to get rid of him.

Sorry for rambling on here by the way, I jsut need to vent.:X