dumb am I?

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JAK Rabbitry

Well-Known Member
Oct 15, 2006
Reaction score
Freedom/Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, USA
Let me start by saying I have extremely poor vision without my contacts/glasses.
That said...

Both my razor and my hairbrush are pink.

'nuff said.


I have a lot of hair though, you can't tell.
Oh my goodness... I can sympathize... My best friend is pretty much legally blind with out her glasses or contacts.

I think you should maybe put some colourful tape on your razor blade so that doesn't happen again...

But on the plus side, it's hair and it grows back!

I think I'd be more worried if you were able to run your hairbrush through your leg hair! :laugh:
Oh geez, you went and did what I secretly feared I'd always do some day! And I don't want to does sound pretty funny! :D(Good thing you have lots of hair!)

Don't feel so bad though, Jesse; I knew a guy once who had decided to trim the extra hairsbetween his eyebrows with his electric razor, but he slipped...and....wound up with one eyebrow almost half gone. LOL!

And at one of my last jobs, my supervisor came into work one Monday morning bearing a rather oversized hat that was pulled down low. Everyone was wondering what was up with Brian, and finally he revealed his dilemma: On the weekend his son had been playing with a bow/arrow set, only the arrows had big suction cups on the ends. He was complaining that they didn't stick to anything, so Brian said, 'Yes they'. He took one of the arrows, wet the suction cup and stuck it to his forehead. Only, it stuck too well. It took him several minutes to get it off, and in the process I guess he damaged some blood vessels, cuz he was left with a huge red ring smack in the middle of his forehead for the next three days. What a goof...:)

The things us humans do...hehe
I can certainly relate. My eye drops and protein remover/cleaner were in identical droppers. That cleaner really burned when I accidentally put it in my eyes!!!!

Apparently there were many complaints about the product packaging, because the cleaner cap was soon changed to bright red!


yeah....I got a good laugh. My mum couldn't believe I'd done that.

So my horse decided to colic today so I had to walk him around for 45 minutes ....ina blizzard...because horses never colic in nice weather....grr...and it's nearly a whiteout outside and the wind is blowing my hair all over the place so now it's all in such a knotted jumble its even more difficult to realize I had an accident.

And the horse was fine after a few REALLLY long farts.
HAHA!!! I REFUSE to vote on stupidity...but I will say that I've had a few VERY close calls with such things myself, as I'm quite blind as well.

I'm so freakin' cool....I shuold have my own fan club. Complete with t-shirts, hats, and free cookies for children under 12.

There will also be a JESSE FORUM....where people can discuss and cover all aspects of Jesse's awesomeness.

People will post threads like '' Hey did you see how awesome Jesse was yesterday!?"

And diehard fans with screen names like ''JESSE L0VER12484" and "JeSsELoVeSmEMoRe" Will reply with things like


When I was time I ate like 8 vitamins.

And my brother tried to eat a live mouse when he was 3. Now he's 16 and eats everything but live mice.

My art a child...once ate an entire box of toothpicks. To this day she doesn't know what compelled her to do it. The doctor made her eat a crapload of bread so it would ball up aroudn the poitns and not tear up her insides. She never had a problem.

Mum's friend hada little boy who swallowed a quarter once...
He walked into his mum's room one night and casually asked '' mum...what would happen if I ate a quarter?''
His mum...not knowing he had....tryied to discourage him from EVER doing something like that.
She said '' Well you'd die!''

He grabbed his mother by the chest of her shirt and pulled her close to his face and screamed in absolute PANIC:

I once ate a cockroach...I was about 3mos old. My dad said that when he looked at me, all he could see were the legs sticking out of my mouth.


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