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Thank you! I should have iced it lol, but I'm scared of putting cold stuff on it since when it's cold it seems to hurt more! :p Strange, I know lol...

The sticky out bit is definately not a stitch....because my stitches are blue!!

I've just tried about a million times to take a picture of it lol... I'll see if any of them came out... I can definately see that it's still there, but I can't tell what it is lol! :?
BlueGiants wrote:
I agree, ice it to keep swelling down adn numb it a bit. (You'd do it for the bunnies... DO IT for YOURSELF!)
What did we tell you! *matronly scolding voice*

:p Maybe try the warm rag idea? It might sooth it a bit (just shrinky-wrap over the stitches!)
Ok, I have semi-good pictures... :?

It's the bit right at the end on the left hand side... It sort of looks dirty from here but that may be the reflection or something. It feels really rigid- but that could still be dry skin... All I know is that that bit really hurts whereas the rest of it isn't so bad!

It's not at all graphic really, just a couple of stitches, but I'll put links instead of actual pics for the squeamish amongst us :)

That looks like skin or a bit of a scab. It will hurt to pull on, but if it's bothering you, you could take it off with a sterile nail clipper. Just be careful not to tug it with the clippers! Before clipping, you could put some warm water on a q-tip/ear cleaner and put that onto the bit of skin. Then you would know if it's skin or not (skin should soften up a bit). It would make it easier to clip, too :)

Pardon my mini-rants and home remedies. I'm accident prone and have ADHD, so I know how to fix these things, and I chatter on about them forever lol :biggrin2:
Looks like skin to me jen... Looks like it started off as a scrape making that extra piece of skinin that section and then sliced in deeper, giving you the deep gash. I'm terrified of needles... So I can look at the pics without a problem but the mere thought of the anesthetic.... :?
Awww Jen.... I'm sorry it hurts hun... all stitches tend to "pull" as the skin heals around them. And that hurts! No two ways about it. Not pleasant. A bit of Neosporin (antibiotic ointment) will soften up the skin and ease it a bit. But it won't feel real better until the stitches come out.

Yeah, the pain is deep, it was a deep cut! Lots of lil nerve endings cut and damaged... It has to heal from the inside out.Patience. Its in a bad place and will get better over time. :hug:

(Now have we learned our lesson? Don't take out the garbage again! LOL!)
BlueGiants wrote:
(Now have we learned our lesson? Don't take out the garbage again! LOL!)
Jen, I suggest you frame that sentence and wave it in Steve's face when needed :p

I never take out the trash here. I live with two guys, so I'm allowed to act like a princess (even though I am the one who gets hurt the most, yet I'm the only one who owns a power drill...). Yeah...
Sorry guys, I'm being a moaning minnie aren't I? :embarrassed:

My mum is coming over to take the stitches out later! Argh! I hope it will feel better after that. I've never had good experiences with having stitches removed- the first lot were in my back and the consultant pulled them out without even cutting them, whilst I screamed my head off. The second time was the op I had on my had in April- I had 30-something stitches? That were in for 2 weeks and embedded themselves under the skin causing lots of little tiny abscesses under each one. Screamed my head off then as well!

Since this is only 3, and hopefully my mum is not a butcher lol, this should be a much less unpleasant experience :p

Sorry, I'll stop moaning now!!!!:p
I have advice to getting stitches removed :D Roll up a dry wash rag and bite it. I have to do that when I get vaccines or an IV put in. I can have blood drawn, but I can't get a vaccine/IV placed without going into an anxiety attack. I know how you feel, though. I've had a butcher sew me up before :p Luckily, my stitches were the dissolving kind, and I took them out myself, anyways. :biggrin2:

Try the towel thing, I swear by it. Make sure it's under your molars, though, that's where most of the "stress" will be. It muffles screams, too lol

I can have an IV in.... had many of those... They don't phase me at all lol!

I guess it's just the idea of being.... 'sewn' having actual stitches in my foot! Bleugh!!:yuck

Better than staples though, lol.

This shouldn't hurt, but may sting a tiny but, but normally they don' hurt for a wound like this (unless your mum is feeling mean, in which case they might :p)

You may need a few steristrips on it if it reopens because of where it is, but your mum is ideally placed to assess that :)

Enjoy washing your foot.
Awww, I'm sorry... definately less than pleasant having them out. Put a dab of vasoline or neosporin on it a few minutesbefore your mom cuts them. It'll soften up the skin and the stitches, and might make them slide out easier. :hug:
Thanks for asking! :) The stitches are still in :X My mum was gonna take them out but then she didn't have time to stop long enough... She's coming to take them out tomorrow! She did snip the bit of skin off though, so it hurts a little less...

We don't have neosporin over here sadly! :(

LOL Flashy- I can't even contemplate staples! That just makes me shiver! I guess I'll have to wait til tomorrow to wash my foot properly lol... :p
Oh my GOODNESS! I had staples in my stomach after my C section! NEVER AGAIN! Nope, never, not for any reason! (Can you tell I didn't like them?) Stitches are much easier to take.

One more day won't be too bad... I hope she has time to come over early!
The sitches are out! :D OMG that hurt though.... not fun...

Actually, there's a funny story. I was sat on the sofa, with my leg up so my mum could cut the stitches, and I laid back because I have a funny fear that I will move and the scissors will slip or something lol. It was really hurting and I could hear Barney lopping around on the playmat. I call it lopping because he's a lop, so his hops look funny, because his ears lop about at the same time, lol...

Aaaaanyway, so I called out 'Baaaaarneeeeeeey! Saaaave me! Attack! ATTACK!' as a joke, and he lopped over to my mum and started digging at her ankles!!!! :biggrin2: :laughsmiley:

He's like a little guard-bunny lol! So whilst I was in pain, at least I had a giggle :p

It still hurts now but it doesn't freak me out so much now that I'm un-swen.... I guess I'll just see how it goes...
It will feel so much better really soon!!! You'll see... now that the stitches are not pulling the skin, it will hurt less.

Good ol Barney! We all need a "Guard Bunny" to protect us! LOL! I'd give hima special treat for coming to your "rescue". (Hmmm.... what did you mum say about geting "attacked" by a rabbit? Mine would NEVER have put up with it.) Ya know... I have a sign by my rabbits that says "Beware of ATTACK RABBIT"... I think you need it more!
Awww, Bless him. He came to save his mommy (thought he may not get any more treats if he didn't ;)).

Glad the stitches are out - did your mum survive you having a go at her :p. Hope it all heals up soon - though you probably have to go through the 'itchy' stage.

Lol, he was VERY demanding of the noserubs afterwards! I was sat on the floor sorting out paperwork etc and he sat there in front of me looking at me as if to say 'but mummy! I saved you from the big bad lady! The least you can do is rub my nose FOREVER!!' :p I swear, that bunny and his noserubs lol.... 20 minutes of constant petting wasn't enough!! :shock:

It feels much better now I've had a shower and it's been washed properly lol... :p Still hurts quite a bit though but I can see a massive purple bruise all round the outside of it though which may be something to do with it...

I wore my new boots for the first time earlier! Was painful but I'm sick of having cold feet lol... I still have it bandaged most of the time because I'm sure bunny poop (which just flies in our house since the buns unbonded and became territorial) isn't good for wounds and it hurts if it touches anything!


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