So annoyed

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Aw...I do not want to even get into my MIL vs. My wedding....But it sounds like your and mine are almost the same women. Its a control thing ya know and women like this do not like another women making decisions in THERE FAMILY without there input. They just can not stand that we lead our own lives. Name your baby whatever you like and just put your foot down on the name. If she can not call him by his name then maybe she does not need to visit....I am sure you can get her to back down. You hold all the cards. Now....Go snuggle a bunny.
Honestly one of our early decisions for not having a baby of our own is because we did not want Jason's mom becoming a total fixture in our household. Jason and I are big on privacy and being on our own and if a baby had been born she would have become a total nightmare. She actually told me once that when we have a baby she was going to be a "Very active grandma".....Meaning we would never have a day without her again :shutter:
Bethepoet, thank you. I love her name too. I have always wanted my children to have names that you don't normally hear.
Katie, we told her that it was just going to be me and my husband during delivery and she about had a heart attack. Sorry, but that's a very vulnerable, personal moment and I don't need her all in my "business" while I'm pushing out a baby. Plus, me and the hubby want it to be just me and him. It's a bonding moment and I don't want him to have to share it with other people. He feels the same way. So I put my foot down about that.
And you will be glad to know that Gracie is sitting on my chest right now and has been the past hour or so. I love it
I_heart_Fraggles wrote:
Honestly one of our early decisions for not having a baby of our own is because we did not want Jason's mom becoming a total fixture in our household. Jason and I are big on privacy and being on our own and if a baby had been born she would have become a total nightmare. She actually told me once that when we have a baby she was going to be a "Very active grandma".....Meaning we would never have a day without her again :shutter:
I can't even tell you how much that makes me shudder too. Like, this is actually one of my worst nightmares. Parenthood is SO personal, it's just outrageous to be so pushy about someone elses kid! Makes me glad that we don't have any contact with my MIL, she would totally be like this but in a sly, sneaky way.
Yes, she said to me one night "Yall need to let me know soon what the plans are with Audrina during delivery so i know what to do with her so I can be there". I said "Its just going to be me and Nick in the delivery room, so you will be watching Audrina." She did not like that idea. She has even said that she could be in the delivery room with Audrina. Umm, that is NO PLACE for a 3 year old. One, shes too young to see all that, and two, I dont want her seeing me like that, it would scare her to death
Well it happened, we had the talk. She emailed me this morning and asked me how i was feeling (Liam is laying on a nerve right now and it has affected my left leg)....i told her me and Audrina were eating breakfast and that I felt the same. Her response was "Eli is punishing you for all the times you are going to tell him no" so I responded and said "Can you please not call him Eli. I know you want to but Nick and I decided his name is Liam and we do not want him going by any other name unless he decides that when he gets older." her response was "Oh ok sorry"....i thought that was the end of it, so i text my husband at work and told him I had just talked to her about it and was letting him know...he responded "I already know, she called me crying and said you were rude." I told him exactly what I said and he said that wasnt what she told him I said...1, I dont think I was rude at all, 2 why does she have to lie???? He doesnt care what she has to say because he knows how she is. But i saved the emails so he can see when he gets home that she lied to him. She should know better than to do that because she has done it before and Nick has laid into her about it and didnt talk to her for a month :X
You weren't rude AT ALL. Very reserved, in my opinion, actually. She just sounds like an interfering MIL who can't accept that her child is a grown man who makes his own decisions now. If she can't get what she wants by pushing and pushing and pushing until you give in, she'll just lie and say you were mean. It's a kids trick, she's trying to divide and conquer. Ignore it! You've not done anything terrible and unforgivable - you've said something that needed to be said, it's not a huge deal in the grand scheme of things for her to just call him by the correct name. If she chooses to blow it out of proportion, that's her issue, not yours.
Thank you. I feel a little better now that someone said I wasnt rude. i didnt think I was, i couldve said much more, but I just left it plain and simple. Hopefully this will be the end of it because next time I wont be so nice
You weren't rude at all! You did what you had to do, and she just sounds crazy. Sorry to use the C word, but I know crazy. hahaha.
I know I said something about my mom wanting my sons name to be something else, but I completely forgot/blocked out my FIL wanting us to name my son after his brother who took his own life! Can you believe that? hahha. My kid is already being born into a completely insane family (because of my in-laws) and then he wanted us to name him something that came with such a stigma.

Anyways, I know what its like to have the lying and stuff like that. Its hard to deal with, I've dealt with it first hand. My FIL does it and its awful. We stopped talking to him and my MIL for about 8 months one time because my FIL purposely threw away my family Christmas decorations that we left in their attic with permission and lied to me about it. I had a 3 week old son and my crazy was coming through loud and clear and lost my s*it on them!
Its better that you get it out of the way now, before your son gets here because you'll be in no mood to deal with that bs. Its a very silly thing if you think about it. Its like why do you have to control every little thing?

I'm glad your husband sticks up for you though! Thats a good thing. Hopefully she'll just get it one day! But its exhausting to deal with controlling people like that, always having to worry how they're going to handle things and always having to put your foot down on things that shouldn't even be a big to-do.
I wish you all the luck in the world!
Don't let her take away from the joy of having your little boy! Just punch her in the face and keep on going!
Morgan, that last statement made me laugh uncontrollably! I seriously want to do that! She has not spoke to me since then. Usually she is blwoing my phone and facebook up ALL day...but today, nothing...oh well, if she wants to act like that then so be it.
Exactly, at least maybe you'll get some peace for a little while. Maybe she'll stay quiet for a few more days and you'll be able to relax and not worry!
Put your feet up and eat an ice cream sandwich, thats what I did when I was pregnant.
Walmart has these ice cream sandwiches that have a vanilla cookie and a chocolate cookie with chocolate and vanilla ice cream in between. They are SO good!
She sounds like my mother in law. Her opinion is the only one that matters, she's never done anything for anyone out of goodness, she's selfish, self centered, and I can go on as I've had over 40 years worth of her bile. She talks down to everyone and bad mouths them even when they can hear it. Imagine my suprise when she asked why no one calls or writes her--she doesn't call or write to anyone. "I never hear from any of our friend"--they were his friends not hers. No one in the family can stand her. She's been living with us for 19 months now and I can't wait till she's gone. Nothing I cook is ever good enough. I bought a condo to put her in when we moved here 5 years ago and was going over twice a day to cook, clean, do laundry, shop, etc., and not once did I ever get a "thank you" and that was 20 miles each way or 80 total 7 days a week. I had to replace the carpet as she got hair dye all over, replace the stove and microwave--guess which oven she put plastic in and which one an aluminum pan in. Also ruined the counter top. Take heart that your not alone in your plight. If she keeps on like that, none of your kids will want to be around her either--my children can't stand her. Well, I feel better, but a Black and Tan Sundae sounds best.
It sounds like if people don't do exactly what she wants, or close to it, she thinks they are rude. Just try to relax & ignore her until after the baby is born. Let her son deal with her until then.

And who goes crying to her son, who's at work? She has boundary issues. Time for a little Dr Phil.

Orlena, thats what I'm saying. He works at the shipyard and cant answer his phone. I will only text him unless its an emergency. Everyone knows that. So she called him and of course his first thought "My wife is pregnant and my mom is calling, let me answer so I can make sure everything is ok"...only to hear her crap. And yes that is exactly how she is. She has barely spoke to me since then. Which I am perfectly okay with. My phone isn't giving me a headache from ringing so much

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