So Angry

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Thank you missycove, Bassetluv, and JadeIcing!:)

missycove, Tasha is half Golden Retriever and half Siberian Husky. Andit's funny because her eyes are actually half brown, half blue. She's aweirdo but she's so much fun. I guess yesterday she actually jumped uponto my sis' bed (to which my mom freaked out) but all she did was plopdown next to her to snuggle. She didn't try to give kisses or jump onher at all! And then when she needed to go outside, she jumped off thebed, ran downstairs, sat on the floor in front of my mom, barked, andthen looked towards the door. To that my mom asked "Tash, do you needto go potty?" and Tasha barked back and went to go get herleash. She's a smart one!

And I told her about all the people and bunny prayers...she's very grateful and says thank you!

JadeIcing, I'll let her know about the surgeries. I don't think shequite knows what to expect from them and is excited to get herselffixed, but nervous for various reasons as well.

I talked w/ my sis last night and I'm going to visit her tomorrowmorning! Her one request, she wants me to bring her a McDonald'sbreakfastsandwich! :laugh:She's sick of tomato soup and thelike, and she can actually chew now, as long as the food is cut upenough. So she wants me to bring and cut up her sandwich. She cracks meup! So we're just going to chill out tomorrow, watch some DVDs...maybetake a nap. It should be a good time.

OH! And she can partially open her left eye now! :happydanceIt's stilla little bruised but her face is already healing a little (at least thelittle cuts are). She warned me that she looks like melting because sheis just slathered on that side of her face w/ neosporin! But, it's beenhelping a lot already.

Again, thank you! :hug:

My face was so swollen couldn't eat regular foodfor a few weeks. When I was able to eat again ate almost a whole partysize pizza by myself. The surgeries are scarey butworth it. I swear when I woke up I saw pink and blue elephants flying.
JadeIcing wrote:
My face was so swollen couldn't eat regular food for a fewweeks. When I was able to eat again ate almost a whole party size pizzaby myself. The surgeries are scarey but worth it. Iswear when I woke up I saw pink and blue elephants flying.
Wow that's awful! Are you feeling better now? How long did it take you to recover? sis would probably be excited to see pink and blue elephants flying!

She already had a funny experience in the hospital on morphine. Thehospital chaplain came in to talk w/ my parents and my sis (they wereat a Catholic hospital...btw we were raised Catholic as well). TheChaplain asked my sis if she would like communion. My sis looked at himand said "What's that?" :laugh:Ah, morphine fun! My momwasjust shaking her head.
Ok, my mom just called and BOY does she have a story!

My mom got a back problem from work, and now has to go to a physicaltherapist. So, my mom's in there doing her exercises with the lady, whoalso had a 15 year old boy doing exercises for his problem as well. Mymom was telling the therapist about the accident when the boy jumps inand says "Was your daughter driving a Taurus?". My mom said "No, shewas in a Sable." The boy then said "I think we passed that accident onSaturday."

Turns out, the boy and his family (mom, dad and sibs) were on their wayout for bowling. They passed by my sis's car (but couldn't see her),and the dad thought it wasa police car on stake out (since itwas across the street from a house, in the woods). Then, aftercontinuing on, the mom said she had a feeling like they should go backand check on it. They turned around and found my sis. THEY were thefirst ones on the scene who called 911! The dad ran up to the house,that had very loud music on, and banged on the door. He told them agirl was hurt and they needed to call 911. The people in the house saidthey heard a bang, but just thought it was a truck that ran over apothole.

Back at the car, apparently my sis had been unconscious for approx. 10minutes and was just coming out of it. My sis was trying to touch herface and was crying, and the mom kept her calm, asking her questions,and was stroking the top of her head. They stayed till the ambulancepicked her up. They didn't leave their names. Plus, they didn't witnessthe accident and didn't see the a-hole's car that did it.

My mom was shocked. Later, the mom and the kid's 2 younger sisters camein to pick him up. The boy said to his mom "Mom, remember Erin that wesaved this weekend? This is her mom!" My mom thanked his mom. One ofthe little daughters told my mom that they prayed for my sis at girlscouts today. The mom said she had some leftover fleece from a projectand would like to exchange info so she could send Erin a blanket.:)

My mom told me this over the phone and my jaw was slack. How weird! :huh

WOW..what a story..almost like a tv drama...I'msure that your sister would like to meet that family when she improves.Its really a strange "accidental " mtg.:shock:
Sometimes bad things bring out the best inpeople. Good samritans are true heroes. It is great that your mom gotto thank the folks that helped your sister. I can't believe that shejust happened to meet them at therapy.

Good luck with your sister. I can relate. I broke my leg about a yearago, 4 days before Xmas. I tore all of the ligaments in my ankle andbroke my fibula in 3 places. I haven't been able to work,bothof my jobs require me to be on my feet ALL of my shift. I have now had3 surgeries on it and am getting a 4th on Thursday. (SO watch out formy drugged out posts! :rofl:)

Best of luck to your sister. :goodluck

Starina wrote:
My surgery isn't as big a deal as poor Lalena's sister. Butthanks for the well wishes. ;)

Good luck with your surgery, Star! :pray:Hope you recover soon!:hug2:

And thanks again to everyone for their prayers about my sis.

She went to the facial surgeon on Friday for a consultation. Turns outher cheekbone is worse than they thought, and is now concave in herface. She is going to need plates to reform it. She is also going toneed balloons put in to keep her sinuses inflated. Also turns out thatshe busted a tooth and that she STILL has glass deep in some of hercuts. They've been making her keep neosporin on her face to keep itmoist in an effort to raise the glass to the surface, but when he triedto get them out on Friday, they're still pretty deep in. I guess hesaid if he tried to pull them out, it would leave a worsescar. Other than that, she's looking forward to her surgery,followed by Microdermabrasion (while she's still knocked on herkeister) to minimize and buff out the scars. And the great thing isit's going to be an outpatient procedure so she came come home the sameday. She's really happy about that.
Thanks lalena...:blushan:

I think that your sister is a real trooper. :boxingBut what can you doin her situation? You just have to hope for the best. That is awfulthat her poor face has to go through so much. They can so some amazingstuff with plastic surgery. I just hope that she doesn't notice anyimperfections, where as no one else would. That seems to happen incases of facial reconstruction. She is lucky that she has a family tobe there and make her feel better. I have a sister that is 5 yearsyounger than me I don't know what I would do without her.

My best wishes to you and your family.:hug2:

I went to see my sis after her surgeryyesterday. She had two plates put into her face (one w/ 2 screws andone w/ 4) and she had a balloon put in her sinuses and over the plates.They are both inflated. She has a small tube out of the side of hermouth that runs from the balloons. It will supposedly be used to drainany blood in the sinuses and to let the plates heal. She looks like amummy because her face is all bandaged up (well more on her left, butthey have to wrap it around her face to keep it on). Other wise though,she says she feels good, besides the fact that she's back to not beingable to eat what she wants because of the tube. It's not a big tube,it's actually pretty small, but they don't want anything gettingstuffed in it.

But she's feeling ok.

My sis and mom went back to the hospital today. She had to get herbandage dressings changed. So my mom got to see her face w/ out thebandages. She said it looks awesome! The doc even said "Wow, I did anawesome job!" and he was really proud of his work. I told my mom that Iwould totally have a confident doctor than one who would go "we'll dowhat we can." This guy said "Oh she'll have mininmal scarring if I doit". And that looks like what's going to happen! My mom said her skinis smooth! The microdermabration really helped with the little cuts(and deep cuts) from the glass. Her skin was only a tiny red, but notat all as red as even the doc figured it could get. Apparently, the docsaid she still had several deep pieces of glass in her face that theyremoved prior to the microderm treatment. My sis had said she could seesome of them sticking out a little before, but she didn't want to pullthem out (not knowing how big they were inside her skin). Anyway, shehas 2 main scars now: one running from the end of her eyebrow to thecorner of her eye and one on the edge of her chin. But, my aunt who hada very bad head scar before her wedding years ago said that she usedVitamin C serum on it and you can't even see her scar anymore. So mysis is going to use that afterward. But I am amazed at technologynowadays! It's really amazing.

My sis and I were totally joking last night to the point where I almostfell over. First, I was the only one who could understand her. Whenevershe talked, everyone else would say, "What?" and I'd interpret. Shesaid "Lauren, I didn't knowyou speak tube!" (referring to thetube in her's only like 3cm wide but it still makes adifference when you speak) :laugh:And we were joking about how shesounds like the monster from "Young Frankenstein." She also says shefeels like the Phantom of the Opera with half her face covered. It wasa lot of fun actually. And I think she really cheeredup.:hug2:OH! And she also works at a restaraunt, and she wasjoking saying she should go back to waitressing w/ the tube in hermouth. She said "Maybe people would be so grossed out but feel bad forme, so they'd leave but give me a tip anyway!" :agree:thumbup

And JadeIcing, I've been telling her about all of you and your buns too, and she's really thankful. :)

And I wanted to say get well soon to Starina, as I know she had her surgery on Thursday.

I wisht eh best for your sister. I ahte how people can be so stupid like that. My friend had a similar XP with dumb people.

She was at her friend's barn, and they were discussing a newer polebending horse int he barn...a huge tank of a gelding who was top notchin his profession. They offered to let my friend Deb take him throughthe pole pattern in the indoor arena. The horse wasn't used to womenriding him but Deb is a gret rider and horsewoman, they figured shecould handle him. And she did, that wasn't the problem.

Turns out...the stupid stable boys were dumping out the horse's waterbuckets in the indoor arena...and it froze into patches of ice. Deb'shorse went down while running at a full gallop towards the back of thearena. The horse (who I believe was over or around 16 hands) went downhard on her leg. The horse was alright, being such a big animal, andtried to stand up...leaving Deb on the ground....and her foot itn hestirrup. She was kind of out of it but knew exactly what was goingon...and thought to herself ''oh my god if i don't get my foot out ofthere.....thats it. He's goign to take off and trample me and i'm goignto die!" Though her leg was pretty much dislocated and in terribleterrible shape...she managed to wiggle her foot half way out, and whenthe horse stood and took off, it ripped her leg free...and messed it upeven more. Her friends were already running to her aid, and when theygot there, Deb was laughing hysterically. Which was confusing forthem....what to do now? It was kind of like
"OMG Deb are you ok!?"
"HAHAHAAHA I'm alive!!!!"

You know that saying how you gotta get back on your horse? I'll bedarned if she didn't. With a little...a LOT of help. And they ledt hehorse around the arena with her on it for a few short minutes beforeshe was in too much pain to continue. Years later she's still goingthrough surgeries to fix it but she can walk and ride.

They had her on oxycotton and a lot of ''fun'' stuff like that. Theyhad her on sooo many painkillers that she pretty much didn't even knowwhat was happening after oen of her surgeries. A bit comical in a way,but we also felt really bad for her. She wouldn't eat...they ONLY thingthey could get her to eat was cream of wheat with sprinkles. I guessthe colors made her want to eat it.

Does your sister like sprinkles? I think rainbow sprinkles can make anybody's day.
Wow, JAK Rabbitry. That's an amazing story! How is your friend Debdoing today?
Yes,my sisloves sprinkles! I actually got her some ice cream w/ sprinkles on it. :)

However, the first food she requested to eat after her first hospitalvisit (when she could eat solidish food again) was Lobster! :laugh:Andmy dad got her some. He made 2 tails for her...and didn't realize hehad to cut it for her! She was like "how am I supposed to eat these,suck out the meat like in the movie Splash?" Finally my dad cut it forher. Other than that, her requests for food last week were : McDonald'sbreakfast sandwich, Skittles, pickles, good humor ice cream, Vanillapudding, chicken alfredo w/ linguine noodles, etc. I think it's becauseshe had to stop smoking because of the accident. She had some wickedfood cravings. I was joking with her "you know, most people LOSE weightafter these kind of accidents!" :hug2:

As for my sis 'getting back on the horse,' she seems REALLY nervous(understandably) to start driving again. But, what can you do? She'llbe better enough to return to work by April (that's what they're sayinganyway) and she'll have to drive (as everyone else at my house hastheir own cars and jobs...the boy otherwise known as my brother, hasbaseball and other school stuff) so she'll have to do it. I know howshe feels though. I had severe anxiety and couldn't drive for 2 years.Not kidding. And I didn't even get in an accident! My cousin died atage 23 from a car accident (I was almost 10 at the time). Ever sincethen, I had been afraid to drive. It just so happen I almost got intoan accident when I was 16 and then that same night, I had a very vividdream of his accident. After that, I'd get behind the wheel and trembleto the point where I'd be crying and I couldn't drive. For 2 years Idid that, then finally, I was able to get behind the wheel and do it.:dunno:Still don't know how I managed but I know it will be rough onher for a while.

Deb's fine, she still has random surgeries hereand there...that one bad one was to remove a crapload of scar tissuearound he joints and stuff. Tht's why she was in so much pain. She wasgoing mad from it.

She just had another one but recovered quickly from it. She had it wrapped in black and gold steelers colors.
I am so glad that your sister is doing better.Thanks for all the well wishes. I am doing good, but I have somepainkillers. ;)I won't go on too much, I am kind of out ofit, but I wanted to see how your sister was. I am glad that she is notonly doing well physically but is in good spirits also. Best of luck toyou guys.

My sis got her tube out of her cheek yesterday.Apparently the tube that ran out of her mouth was connected to a bagthat was inflated w/ water in her cheek. Yesterday, they drained thewater and PULLED the bag out of her face by the tube. She said it kindafelt like they were pulling her brain out of her face. :faint:Soundspleasant. But, she'll be back to doing normal stuff in like 2 weeks!:happydance

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