Well-Known Member
Thank you missycove, Bassetluv, and JadeIcing!
missycove, Tasha is half Golden Retriever and half Siberian Husky. Andit's funny because her eyes are actually half brown, half blue. She's aweirdo but she's so much fun. I guess yesterday she actually jumped uponto my sis' bed (to which my mom freaked out) but all she did was plopdown next to her to snuggle. She didn't try to give kisses or jump onher at all! And then when she needed to go outside, she jumped off thebed, ran downstairs, sat on the floor in front of my mom, barked, andthen looked towards the door. To that my mom asked "Tash, do you needto go potty?" and Tasha barked back and went to go get herleash. She's a smart one!
And I told her about all the people and bunny prayers...she's very grateful and says thank you!
JadeIcing, I'll let her know about the surgeries. I don't think shequite knows what to expect from them and is excited to get herselffixed, but nervous for various reasons as well.
I talked w/ my sis last night and I'm going to visit her tomorrowmorning! Her one request, she wants me to bring her a McDonald'sbreakfastsandwich! :laugh:She's sick of tomato soup and thelike, and she can actually chew now, as long as the food is cut upenough. So she wants me to bring and cut up her sandwich. She cracks meup! So we're just going to chill out tomorrow, watch some DVDs...maybetake a nap. It should be a good time.
OH! And she can partially open her left eye now! :happydanceIt's stilla little bruised but her face is already healing a little (at least thelittle cuts are). She warned me that she looks like melting because sheis just slathered on that side of her face w/ neosporin! But, it's beenhelping a lot already.
Again, thank you! :hug:
missycove, Tasha is half Golden Retriever and half Siberian Husky. Andit's funny because her eyes are actually half brown, half blue. She's aweirdo but she's so much fun. I guess yesterday she actually jumped uponto my sis' bed (to which my mom freaked out) but all she did was plopdown next to her to snuggle. She didn't try to give kisses or jump onher at all! And then when she needed to go outside, she jumped off thebed, ran downstairs, sat on the floor in front of my mom, barked, andthen looked towards the door. To that my mom asked "Tash, do you needto go potty?" and Tasha barked back and went to go get herleash. She's a smart one!
And I told her about all the people and bunny prayers...she's very grateful and says thank you!
JadeIcing, I'll let her know about the surgeries. I don't think shequite knows what to expect from them and is excited to get herselffixed, but nervous for various reasons as well.
I talked w/ my sis last night and I'm going to visit her tomorrowmorning! Her one request, she wants me to bring her a McDonald'sbreakfastsandwich! :laugh:She's sick of tomato soup and thelike, and she can actually chew now, as long as the food is cut upenough. So she wants me to bring and cut up her sandwich. She cracks meup! So we're just going to chill out tomorrow, watch some DVDs...maybetake a nap. It should be a good time.
OH! And she can partially open her left eye now! :happydanceIt's stilla little bruised but her face is already healing a little (at least thelittle cuts are). She warned me that she looks like melting because sheis just slathered on that side of her face w/ neosporin! But, it's beenhelping a lot already.
Again, thank you! :hug: