Snuffle? What should I do?

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Well-Known Member
Mar 8, 2006
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Guangzhou, , China
My rabbit Feichai (6 years old mini-Rex) has been sneezing and having nose discharge for quite a long time. I remember it first happened last May, but he recovered without any treatment in 2 weeks. I was not sure if it was snuffle or just allergy. But he has been having signs of snuffle on and off since last fall. He has good appetite, and he is as playful as usual. The signs include sneezing, and nasal discharge (I can see clear fluid below is nose, but not a lot.), sometimes he even sneezed out a tiny trop of jello looking white (almost transparent) discharge. Whenever he sneeze, I can hear the "stuffy" sound in his throat.
I live in China (I moved here from Texas with my rabbit 3 years ago, he didn't have that problem before), and there are no rabbit expert Vet around my area. I feel very helpless...... I'm very worried about Feichai's situation, because he's getting old, I don't want him to suffer any pain in his life.
Can anybody help me? Thank you very much!
Are you sure that there are not any rabbit vets or other vets that can treat a rabbit or be open to talking to someone who can assist them in treating one . Your rabbit does need to be seen and probably needs antibiotics. if you can get antibiotics most likely there would be a positive response but it sounds as if it is getting worse with out treatment .

Do you have access to any injectable medicine like penicillin (it is sold in some states in the US in farm stores)? Just asking as I am wondering if you could treat yourself . We do not advise this at all except in extreme situations when vet care is out of the questions.
Where are you in China?

How old is your bun? Not that it matters, I was just curious. But, best thing is to get some antibiotics stat. Find the best Vet you can in the area for rabbits and rabbit illnesses. Keep us posted;).

I 'll be thinking of you and Feichai;).
Thank you for your response.
I'm in Guangzhou, China. (Southern city near Hong Kong).
I've read too many terrible news about animal hospital in China, I'm afraid to put Feichai's life in their hands.....

Is there any mild antibiotics (external use, that can apply directly to his nostrils) I can buy? Maybe I can ask my friend to bring them back from Hong Kong.
I wish I can bring Feichai to Hong Kong, there are many rabbit vet there. But he can't cross the border.....:tears2:
Thank you thank you. Feichai is 6 years old. He is getting old, even though he doesn't show it on his face... that's why I'm very worried. I want him to have a happy and healthy retired life.

In China they don't treat rabbit as house pet.......very sad.

Although having pet rabbit are getting more popular, but all the big animal hospital still don't have the experience and resource.

I even thought about take sample of Feichai's nose discharge, keep it in a well-sealed ziplog bag. And take it to a good rabbit expert vet in Hong Kong for examination. Is that feasible?
Maybe I know when my guy was tested they swabbed his nose with a cotton swab.
Could you call the Hong Kong vets and ask if they could do that and what you should swab with, and how? Or maybe ask if those vets could consult with a vet nearer yours possibly?
Thank you everyone for helping me. Ok, I will consult some vets in Hong Kong and get some advices and instructions before I hop on the train!!
Thanks! Ok, it's time to give Feichai his nightly treat :D He is scratching me now.
Thank you all!
I just came back from Hong Kong and I saw rabbit pet shops and rabbits included in animal hospital/clinics everywhere. It looks like rabbits are a real big pet choice there (probably because of the lack of space, people find it easier to share their small homes with rabbits instead of a big dog or something else). I am sure you will find someone who is willing to help without seeing the rabbit firsthand. They also have a rabbit society in the Mong kok area and they have people there who take in and care forsick rabbits so they might also know what to do for you. Just make sure that whoever gives you pointers gives you meds fit for rabbits. Meds suitable for cats and dogs may not be suitable for rabbits and may kill rabbits!

I thought about buying a cutie from HK and bringing him back to NY. It's a 15 hour flight. I was afraid the ride would give him a heartattack :( How did your rabbit handle the flight from Houston to China??? Was he ok?
Thank you Kirby! Thanks for the link. Yes I will definitely contact them and ask for advices. Yes, Hong Kong bunnies are very fortunate to have such friendly and warm environment. In fact, my rabbit was quarantined in Hong Kong for 30 days before he got transported to Guangzhou. He flew from Houston to Hong Kong! According to the pet sitter who picked him up at the airport, he looked totally fine, and actually invigorated by the flight! When the custom officers were giving him physical examination, he binky on the lab table. I remember he flew Continental Airline, they have very good service for pet transportation.
Ok, I'm going to write them an email now. Thank you!

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