Thanks everyone, for all your good wishes!
Snowy is doing sooo much better today! Last night she had a hop round the outside of her cage- I had the door open to let Barney have a run around, and she didn't move too much, but it was good to see that she can move now- she doesn't seem to be in too much pain anymore. Steve said that she ate all of her share and more of their breakfast, and was back to begging for the veg before it was down again like she normally does!
We gave her some Metacam this morning- she took it surprisingly well. I wrapped her in a towel and 'babied' her whilst my mum who was round syringed it into her mouth, and she seemed to like it! Since then she's eaten some more pellets and hay, had a hop around the cage, and now she's sleeping, but she's been flopped out sleeping, as opposed to sitting hunched up like before. On the poo front, there were quite a few on the towels she was sitting on- nice and normal looking, but a bit smaller than normal? There was also quitea few in the litter tray, although obviously some were Barney's! I've cleaned the cage completely now though so I can keep an eye on what she does...
Woo! I'm soo glad she seems better! I wish our vets had given us painkillers as well, I just felt so bad for not asking about it when we picked her up. But they had no problem with giving any yesterday, and I suppose it's only right that he would want to check that there wasn't anything more serious before he prescribed them- there was no charge for the check up anyway, just the painkillers! (And my mum paid bless her :dude
But yeah, good news from our house this morning!

Thanks again guys, I would have gone MAD without you all!
Jen xx