Dear Friends, I thank you all for your warm responses & prayers
Yesterday seemed as though it would never end. The realization of thefact that she was really gone finally hit me as I was shopping foroatmeal. I broke down and began crying & sobbing in Shop-Rite.Thank goodness my hubby was with me. He never expected this out-pouringof emotion from "The Ice Queen" (as he calls me), especially, inpublic. The buns DO bring out the best in me!
This morning as I was cleaning out cages & preforming the task thatI dread most (nail clipping), I thought back & also realized that Inever had to clip Snowy's nails. I caught her once, giving herself amanicure & pedicure! She & Wish-Bone (I do have to change hisname! He hates it, too!!!) are the only buns that preform this,themselves!
I had, at first, thought that someone had come into my house andfrightened her...and Noodles (his cage door was open, too). I now knowthat the reason for their fright was a very loud explosion. Our town isgetting sewers and the blasting has been going on for the past 2 years.Usually the blasts are pretty much un-noticeable but, according to myneighbors, there was a big one on Friday.
So, Snowy's injury was an accident. There was nothing I could do to have avoided it.
She lived a pretty good life. I know that she was happy, this pastyear. She loved her veggies...she didn't get them everyday, before.Hay!!! My goodness, how she loved her hay!!! She would move it withher! If she was going into her "cubby", the hay went with her. When shecame out, the hay came out, too! She was always moving the hay!
Before, she was only given "straw" (that's what I call that brown,brittle stuff that comes in a bag!). Here, she had "Imported" (fromMaine) green hay...she must have thought that she had gone to "Heaven"and was afraid that it would disappear if she didn't carry it aroundwith her!!!
Through my tears, in the Vets office, I sang to her:
Hush-a-bye, don't you cry, go to sleepy little baby,
Cause when you wake, you shall have all the pretty littlehorses.......(a lullaby that I sing to them when they are agitated).She calmed down, nestled her head into my hand & closed her eyes.We said our "good-byes" before the Vet saw her.
The buns have been very quiet since yesterday. I think they know she is gone and miss her, too.