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cheryl wrote:
Snow Bunny.......whoo hoo...

That's awesome. Do I have permission to borrow that picture?
Snow! No fair! :p
I've always wanted to live in Alaska, at least for a little while... So cold, but oh so beautiful... and so close to nature!
In Washington, there's more rain than snow, it's a pretty dang cold day if it gets down below 30 degrees F, and schools start closing if there's more than 2 inches of snow on the ground....Those kinda things only happen in January.
Personally, I'm freezing if it's below 70, but that's just me. I have....really bad blood circulation...or something, haha.
But....I love snow. :biggrin2: Maybe someday I'll live up there too, by you guys, haha. (Although it's always been my absolute dream to live in Japan)
Forget the cold; I wear coats 24/7 anyway!

Of course...i got it of the net's so cute!

Ohh those pictures were spectacular,how awesome it would be to see that in real life..just to be there.

:shock2:eek:h my gosh..look what i did!! :privateeyes

I didn't know the first message had been posted or not,so i wrote it out again,but my pc was playing up,on my end it wasn't sending....but ummm i guess it was sending on the other thread
wow love the pictures! Is that the pacific then? You know up until the other day I thought that Anchorage was in Canada :USAflagwaving:silly me.....geography never was my strong point LOL

We've watched a programe here about the ice roads in theNorthweat territories statrting in it get cold near you!

Thanks for the pics!

sarah x
Fixed the multiple posts... I've seen 2 or 3.... but never 9!!!!!!!!!! :shock2:

Good one TundraKatieBean! LOL!

Thanks for sharing the photo's of your view... wow! I'm jealous! My parents went to Alaska 2 years ago, my Dad was totally in love with the place... From what I've heard, I think I could be very happy there...
Oooohhhh, pretty snow!i've lived in Florida all my life,i've never seen snow in person:X. can i 'borrow' your pics for my desktop? ooo,ooo, more pics plz(if you have time). maybe a house with snow on it? sooooo pretty! Heres my temp comfort list




70-60=kinda cold

60-50=time to bundle up

50-40=i'd rather be inside

40-30=in bed at 2am with the heated blanket pulled up VERY high


Hehe...I think my Canadian husband has me Edmonton weather.

It's around the mid-60'sF here right now, and I'm pretty much just fine going out in a t-shirt and jeans with some sandals. Once it hits the 50'sF, I put on a sweatshirt (one of those zippered ones), but don't need much else.

We have our house AC set to the mid-60'sF as well, because it's the temperature my husband is truly comfortable in.

Ya see...he was born and raised in Edmonton, Alberta. There was one day that relatives came over to his house, so his mother had to crank up the heat in the house. Apparently Danny couldn't stand it...they found him sitting outside in the middle of winter...IN HIS DIAPER...IN EDMONTON!

Yep, that's my Danny! I tell people (jokingly, even though I'm quite convinced) that he sweats if he picks up a pencil. The poor guy has it rough during the summer, working in either people's ceilings or under their houses (which he says is surprisingly cool, compared to outside), doing electrical work. The worse part about gets up to 115F here in the summer...and he has to work with the electricity OFF...thus he doesn't work in the air conditioning. :grumpy: Poor guy has to buy gallon bottles of distilled water to rehydrate with during each day.

My poor guy...he needs an air conditioned body suit, or something, hehe!

Anyway, all that to say...I've acclimated to his temperature sitting here in my home, surrounded by an air conditioned room so cold that our air conditioner that's set to 65F hasn't turned on for a while now because the thermostat in the thing says it's under that in here right now, and I'm fine. :biggrin2:
Must be a guy thing, Rosie:big wink:! During our summer's, my husband isn't happy unless we have the A/C set to GLACIER! I think I've gotten used to it... scraping the frost off the INSIDE of my windows.... wearing a sweater inside when it's 95 F outside... LOL! Surprised the heating pipes haven't frozen in July yet!

LOL!! That's so funny, Cathy...

Yeah, maybe it IS a guy thing. Though, I have to admit, I've always much more enjoyed the winter than the summer, too...:D

It's funny to see our friends come over during the summer and actually put on a sweatshirt because they're COLD in our house...when it's 115F outside! LOL!! But, ya know..they always sigh in glee when they first enter the house...LOL!!
It's NOT just a guy thing! my mom is 'warm natured', hince the extra blankets on my bed in the middle of summer, in FLORIDA(we DON'T live on the beach though, LOL)! we were at the disney shopping vilage yesterday and somebody asked us were we were from, i said "Florida," and she said, "Lucky,"! i've been to ONE of the disney theme parks ONCE! and Sea World three or four times. LOL:biggrin2::cool::biggrin2::cool::biggrin2::cool:
LadyBug wrote:
i've been to ONE of the disney theme parks ONCE! and Sea World three or four times.
In the Canadian pavilion, it's nice and cool inside. Guy thing? :p

Oh, by the way it's 21*F in Edmonton and going down to 8*F tonight.
Oh, believe me, I know, Stan...Danny still checks the temps there year-round. During the summer, your guys' high was two degrees colder than our low that day...made him REALLY upset, lol!

Pet_Bunny wrote:
LadyBug wrote:
i've been to ONE of the disney theme parks ONCE! and Sea World three or four times.
In the Canadian pavilion, it's nice and cool inside. Guy thing? :p

Oh, by the way it's 21*F in Edmonton and going down to 8*F tonight.
snow is pretty when it keeps falling, and when it first falls. then it gets yucky! most people who don't live with snow think it stays all white and pretty all the time! NO! i hate it when it gets all slushy and dirty by the roads. YUCK

i do enjoy snow days though!

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