Snickers likes to pull on the carpet fibers!

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Well-Known Member
Jan 21, 2009
Reaction score
, Alabama, USA
We have had Snickers for almost a month now, and we have been able to litter train him with great success. Saturday we let him run and play in the living room for the first time, and he has yet to pee or poo anywhere which is great! He really loves it, and he runs to his cage and into the litterbox to do his business.

Not all can be this great though, he has decided that he likes pulling the fibers out of the carpet and chewing on them. This concerns me because I don't want him to eat the carpet and it have adverse effects on his health!

Any ideas? He is unaltered, but he is also 11 weeks old. I have tried setting up "hay stations" for him to hop up to and nibble, but he still prefers carpet. :shock:
Gotta stop that. It can be very bad for his gut. Bo is the same so we have to watch him really closely if he's in a room with any carpet... lucky for me we have mostly hardwood.
Eek, getting him fixed in the near future will help. I hope he gets out of this habit. I've heard that spraying the areas with sprays help, but I have no idea how much it helps. I know how they can be when determined to chew carpet, maybe putting more toys out or things they can play with will help.

Best of luck! Keep us posted!
Thanks for the replies. I guess I am lucky that he doesn't pee all over the carpet. If I nudge his butt when he gets into the chewing position, he will usually hop and be distracted briefly.

Perhaps once the bunny berries drop, and we get him neutered, he will grow out of this habit.
You could give him a grass mat to chew on in his cage so he can get some of that anger out.
Getting other things for him to tug on and yank (stuff that's OK for him to eat) would be helpful, as others have suggested. My bun likes big, heavy woven grass doormats for this, though I don't think anything really compares to the thrill of pulling against a heavy, stationary carpet! ;) She doesn't chew on the fibers, but she loves to tug on them... I've blocked off a lot of spots in the LR and also tried placing toys in strategic areas.

Am sure your boy will calm down after his neuter + getting past that crazy teenbun stage, too.
Crazy behavior is right. He has just started chinning stuff.

Oddly enough, tonight something scared him half to death. I cleaned his litterbox and walked back into the room, and he went bonkers in his cage! I had the cage door open, and he bolted out and ran into a hiding spot in the living room. It took me about 45 minutes to calm him down enough to put him back in his cage (where he normally feels the most comfortable).

I don't know what scared him so bad. He has been 10x more skiddish than normal lately.

Can't wait to have him neutered!
Aww, poor bunners! I hate when they get scared and start thumping, poor baby. Sometimes, the smallest, silliest things can scare them.;)

Chinning stuff is good, means he's putting his scent down.;)
