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I had a rabbit with chest congestion and no discharge but it actually affected her breathing. No discharge is not that significant if he is wheezy ; it's a lower respiratory infection instead of an upper respiratory infection.......
is he having labored breathing?
angieluv wrote:
I had a rabbit with chest congestion and no discharge but it actually affected her breathing. No discharge is not that significant if he is wheezy ; it's a lower respiratory infection instead of an upper respiratory infection.......
is he having labored breathing?
Last night I wasn't comfortable with his state so I think I'm going to bring him back in asap! He was sneezing and alot more weezy alot better this morning though!
paul2641 wrote:
angieluv wrote:
I had a rabbit with chest congestion and no discharge but it actually affected her breathing. No discharge is not that significant if he is wheezy ; it's a lower respiratory infection instead of an upper respiratory infection.......
is he having labored breathing?
Last night I wasn't comfortable with his state so I think I'm going to bring him back in asap! He was sneezing and alot more weezy alot better this morning though!
That is unusual :?
if it is a bacterial infection it shoudn't be getting better and worse like that without treatment ??
A good idea to take him back to the vetthough....
Gave him the first dose but by my error I wasted half of it, But I know how to do it now so no more wasting of the medicine, Shadow likes it and all!
I hope Shadow gets better very soon Paul.

When Guy got what was diagnosed asan Upper RTI (No discharge but very loud breathing), the vet didn't do cultures but did listen to Guy's breathing with her stethescope.

Am surprised about your bun's vet not giving anyanti-biotics, but if Shadow is getting well, fine :)

Jo xx
Baytril is ok. It should probably do the trick, although of course a culture and sensitivity test would be best to determine which antibiotic is best.
If the antibiotic cleared it up a bit over a 7 day course, it's best to do a full 14 day course of the same antibiotic. The fact that the bacteria were killed by the antibiotic at least a little means they are sensitive to it. You need to kill them all by doing the full treatment course because if you switch to a different antibiotic now, the ones that remain will gain resistance to the original antibiotic. Does this make sense?

What I'm trying to say is that the bacteria that are still around are not as sensitive to the antibiotic as the ones that were killed were. If you continue to give the antibiotic, the remaining bacteria will get dosed with enough antibiotic to finally finish them off. If you switch to a different antibiotic now, the ones that remain will have adapted to survive the original antibiotic.
K well I haven't given it to him for a day, And I might not be able to go to the vets for another week, when I go back up should I just ask for another 2 weeks worth of it and restart?
Yeh, that would be the best way to do it I would think.
Flashy wrote:
Yeh, that would be the best way to do it I would think.
I really want to go get it this week but mam said that is out of the question so hopefully, he will survive and I can go and sort it out next week! As i have already spent €160 on him, I'd rather pay out another €40 then lose him!
If you think its as severe as potentially losing him then you do need to try and get to the vet quicker. If your vet trusts you they may do a consult over the phone and repeat the prescription, although I would think most vets would prefer to assess the animal themselves.

Unfortunately, rabbits are expensive, its one of the things any new owner should be aware of when getting new rabbits.
I got a repeat prescription of the baytril, It will last two weeks, I'll start the dosage tomorrow, if it doesn't work I will have to bring him back up, But I am hopeful that it will work. Lets just pray that this time it is enough to get Shadow back to full health.
