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Quit? How many tries did it take you?

  • 1-3?

  • 4-6?

  • 7-9?

  • 10-13?

  • Still working on it?

  • Don't want to quit.

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lol.....i remember when i was 8 yrs old (i'm 30 now) and my friend Lizzie and i would ride our bikes and pick up all the half smoked ciggs people throw out their windows and we'd take our little collection and smoke them behind Lizzie's shed!!! it's tough to quit. when i went to nursing school we learned that smoking is so addictive b/c when you feel low or depressed or just tired it picks you and and you have energy and if you're stressed and wound up about something it relaxes you. somehow it just knows what to do to make you feel better. so needless to say i've spent my life smoking and then quiting. and it's hardest at work. especially when EVERYBODY i work with smokes and i find myself working 10 hour days without a break but the smokers get outside for their smoke breaks....then it's really hard to not go out there for 5 minutes and have one too! So i feel your pain. and it's impossible for a nonsmoker to really understand what you're going thru. guess you'll need to spend a LOT of time on RO to keep your fingers busy and your mind off smoking =)
i smoked for 3 year (wow so long right) and i got sick with stomach flu one day and after i got better i just threw my pack out and havnt smoked since. i miss the way they smell unlit in the package when you first open them though esp. camel filter which is what i smoked good luck to anyone trying to quit!
Wow I know the hell of trying to quit.. I've tried the patch,gum, wellbutrin (which was awful for me - felt like a zombie); my BF tried the chantix and he had no side effects, but didn't really work, but he did cutdown.

The longest time I quit was for 17 days and that was cold turkey; after the first 5 days it waseasier; but then something "emotionally challenging" happened(can't recall) but it wasenough of an excuse for me to pick up another one..

Quitting smoking I've read is as difficulttogive up as Heroin is - so realize its VERY hard, but that 80% of the problem is mind-over-matter..If you went cold turkey it only take 3 days to get all of the nicotine out of your system - the rest is pschologically trying to get your brain to stop wanting it..

Maybe we can try a "Do you want to quit smoking thread" and see if others want to participate - strength in numbers? I'm going to my family reunion next weekend and I believe out of the 150+ relatives that should be there I'm always one of 2 that smoke - so am always running off behind some building to do so.. May try the last stand at the reunion (well will take the gum so that I don't "freak-out" and embarrass my Mother and immediate family - lol).

Keep updating Orchid - you can do it!