I went to visit Smit at the hospital. She seemed to respond to my voice and touch. She raised her one ear rather weakly. She did respond to Sawyer at well. I have to go back in a little while to pick her up and take her to another hospital so that she can be monitored overnight.
The big kahuna bunz is doing better but still critical. She was more responsive to me tonight. She is being monitored overnight at Willingboro Vet Hospital. I did have a chance to check out the area where they will monitoring her and it was fairly quiet. Only one dog barking in another room.
Smitten made it throught the night. I'm waiting to hear back from Willingboro Vet Hospital. I did call earlier but no one was available to give me information. The plan is to pick her up and take her back to Marne Vet Clinic to continue treatment by Dr. Aumiller. To be continued....
She is still weak but eating her greens and hay. She really hates the critical care. When I offered it to her at the hospital she made this "ew" face. I couldn't help but laugh. I take her back to the vet tomorrow morning for a follow up. I think I'll wait on the tests until she is stronger.
Smitten was seen by the vet this am. She is doing much better. I know she is because she was trying to run from the vet. Can't blame Smit. She's been poked and prodded enough this week. Dr. Aumiller thinks she had a blockage. I agree having seen it happen back in September. Same symptoms but she was able to unblock herself that time.
Well Smitten is having the same problems as she had back in November. She is having difficulty with her hind quarters. She is stillmoving around but it isn't easy for her. She is eating and drink. I'm starting think it is really EC.
Smitten is now dragging her hind legs. Ortho problem?I'm takin her back to the vet her treated her back in November once I find out what is going on with my Care Credit account. My finances are just a messy right now and I have no money. I'll do anything I can to help her out.
Miss big bunz is doing better. I suspect when she gets a blockage in her bladder and/or kidney area it causes her to become weak in the hind quarters. Go figure.
She has some mobility. She did hop around for a bit but she is still has some weakness in the hind quarters. It is much better tonight than this morning. I still may take her to the vet for a different opinion.
I let Smit out tonight for some exercise. She is still dragging herself around but it hasn't stopped her from trying to binky. She is pooping and peeing. Her appetite is good. I definitely need to have her checked by a vet. I hate to see her this way.