Hey there! I'm a fairly new owner of two adorable dwarf bunnies, Spot and Shadow. My mom and i had a bit of a crazy spree the day before easter. We'd gone into our local pet shop for something, and while we were there we fell in love with these two sweet baby buns they had. (there were three, but the other little one got adopted the same day by someone else at the same time =] ) The petshop said they were probably 4-6 weeks old (though isnt that young?
; ) so we figure they're about 12 or 13 weeks right now.
Spot and Shadow are the most awesome bunnies ever, they're so friendly both with eachother and with us. We can sit down next to the cage, open the door on our lap, and they'll both come right over to say hello. Shadow will even hop right out onto my lap.
of course, heres my main reason for seeking out a forum ^^; We've recently discovered (by a vet visit) that Spot is a girl and not. My mother and i intend to get Shadow fixed (and spot at a later date) but we're still looking for information and everything. And my vet clinic has two vets. Who seem to have differing opinions on things, according to the receptionist i talked to today. Anyway. thats a story for another thread that i'm sure i'll be posting soon. (>< i kinda need advice there. =[ )
Also, i'm pretty much a newbie to rabbits, but not a newbie to rodents or pets at all. I'm also the proud mother of Chip, Dale, and Tails--gerbils, jack--a mouse, Zeke--a chinchilla, and am caring for my friends gerbil and hamster, Kink and Socks, along with the resident dog of the house, Rush. Pet lovers ahoy :biggrin2:
Spot and Shadow are the most awesome bunnies ever, they're so friendly both with eachother and with us. We can sit down next to the cage, open the door on our lap, and they'll both come right over to say hello. Shadow will even hop right out onto my lap.
of course, heres my main reason for seeking out a forum ^^; We've recently discovered (by a vet visit) that Spot is a girl and not. My mother and i intend to get Shadow fixed (and spot at a later date) but we're still looking for information and everything. And my vet clinic has two vets. Who seem to have differing opinions on things, according to the receptionist i talked to today. Anyway. thats a story for another thread that i'm sure i'll be posting soon. (>< i kinda need advice there. =[ )
Also, i'm pretty much a newbie to rabbits, but not a newbie to rodents or pets at all. I'm also the proud mother of Chip, Dale, and Tails--gerbils, jack--a mouse, Zeke--a chinchilla, and am caring for my friends gerbil and hamster, Kink and Socks, along with the resident dog of the house, Rush. Pet lovers ahoy :biggrin2: