Sleepy Bun or Dazed?

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Is she eating/drinking/pooping? Acting differently if you interact with her? Was she recently vaccinated?
She's acting like she doesn't want to be bothered. Eating/pooping very little if even at all. Still drinking and peeing, though. She just lies around in her cage and I am worried. :'(
UPDATE- she just ate a bit and made one of these and ate it (which is normal). I hope she is okay. ImageUploadedByRabbit Forum1404769572.179724.jpg
Glad to see you've got cecals!

To help you figure out how your rabbit is feeling, some people choose to offer their buns a very special treat once in the morning, and once at night (12 hours).
For my guys, it is a single Craisin. They only get 1 in the AM, and 1 before bed.
If they don't go completely nuts over that Craisin, then something is wrong, and I treat it as an emergency.

This system might help give you a safety net for judging your bun's health status.
Yes! I think she has gotten too much special treats than she has hay and pellets.
Agreed, cut back the treats significantly. Otherwise, you will never be able to tell whether she just isn't interested in the treat, or she is actually sick. Rabbits shouldn't have more than a tablespoon or two of fruit in a day, due to the high sugar content (causing obesity in the long run). Too much sugar can also throw off their stomachs. Keep a close eye for belly bloating, or if she is pressing her stomach to the ground in pain.
Keep rabbits sugar-deprived, and they will always be responsive to treats (unless something is very wrong)
She might have gas. Do you have any simethicone on hand?
she looks much more alert than the first pic. Just remember, buns may love treats, but they're very sensitive so holding back on the treats is the best option.
Gas drops helped!!!! She is back to her old self! ImageUploadedByRabbit Forum1404785834.488224.jpg She made herself comfy on my back!!!! <3

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