sleep quarters for mini lop

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Oct 4, 2005
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We recently purchased an 8 wk old mini lop rabbit. He hasdecided to use the covered in part of his hutch that has newspaper& hay in for it's toilet instead of sleeping inthere. He sleeps in the outdoor area of the hutch not by anyhay. Is this a problem and if so what good ideas have you gotfor me.
scatola wrote:

We recently purchased an 8 wk old mini lop rabbit. He hasdecided to use the covered in part of his hutch that has newspaper& hay in for it's toilet instead of sleeping inthere. He sleeps in the outdoor area of the hutch not by anyhay. Is this a problem and if so what good ideas have you gotfor me.
You have to look at his cage as he is seeing it .

He is seeing it as an extesion of his denarea , one spot for sleeping one spot forthe toilet , Gernerall anyanimal will not toilet where theyeat or sleep , The like to beclean and dry ,

What you may need to do is rethink his cage , takeoff the solid bottom and replace it withwire so all material falls through thewire tothe ground , Or you can put himinto a different type of cage , If indoors I wouldremove any Hutch type area where he canpotty up . Or where he is so small yet , puta litter box inside the Hutch withhis potty material to encourage himto use the litter pan .

I have certain rabbitswho would rather use theirfooddish as a potty box , this tells methey do not want to go tothe bathroom just anywhere andI then provide them a litterpan and litter , which I find they immediately taketo and nomore Pooping in odd spots. I also have a Blind Holland , who is over a yearold who took imediately to a litter pan ,after giving subtle hints hedidnt want to go just anywhere . Try someof these suggestions and see how it goes, Be sure to put litter boxin which ever corner seems tohave the most potty material .

This may be a stupid question, but are thesleeping quarters big enough? I've seen ones before the rabbit couldhardly fit in, let alone sleep comfortably, but yours sounds big enoughif he is going to the toilet there. If it is big enoughfollow Gypsy's advice, the toliet confusion could be theproblem.Hope it works!:D

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