New Member
I gave a pair of my baby bunnnie, from differentlitters to a friend and her daughter.She called me upset thather doe, that is about a year old is skin and bones and is losing hairin clumps. She is not bred. Her droppings are fine. She iseating fine. She shares a cage with a buck that does not have anyprobems that she can see. The doe seems to be fine other whatI have mentioned. She has not wormed them. Shefeeds them pellets. She has since separated thetwo. She said the doe's stomach seems tight andround. We have ruled out her being bred. They havebeen in the same cage together since they were 8 weeks old, and theyhave never showed any romanic interest. ( I May Be wrong) I have bredrabbits foronly 3years now. (very littleknowledge) Her fur falls out when you pet her.Please Help. My girlfriend thinks I know so much about mylittle fur bunnies and I don't! Please share your knowledge.