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Haha! Patrick is taking Andy out to the salad bar to teach him how to please the lady buns ;) Sweet innocent Andy's tired of being Mr. Invisible.
:roflmao:You people make me laugh!!! I think that would a whole book unto itself. I could end up with an entire "Trio-series" of books for bunny-lovers. Andy Allen would be in book two as the new kid on the block. Is he the good-guy learning the ropes, or the bad-guy about to steal one of Patrick's ladies? Hmmmm .....:ponder:
I feel like you could write a really lovely children's book about your trio. Minus the chick-stealing and such... hehe. Luna, Patch and Zappa each have their own personalities. They make you feel so much emotion. And they make you learn something about caring for one another. :hug:

I am really all sorts of... sigh. Hard to describe. I really want to just come over and steal Andy away from you!! I show my husbun this Andy blog updates all the time and he is already like fine, get rid of the computers in the rabbit room and you can have a 3rd rabbit. So I asked him, what are we gonna do about the computers? He says we'll have to get laptops to do our work on and sell the computer desktops (we have 2)and monitors (we have 3), and we'll throw out the big desk. I think it is doable. The room will be a whole lot safer without all the cables (even though I've blocked it all off). I can't believe I am really thinking about this... ???

Besides having to reconfigure all our technology which is a bit costly, but acceptable, I really do fear that Andy might not get along with the other bunnies. I already wrote off Toby as a nonsocial bunny... but what if he doesn't get along with Kirby... I'd have THREE independent bunnies, and Andy wants so much love. I'm going around and around in my head about this. :bawl:
kirbyultra wrote:
I feel like you could write a really lovely children's book about your trio. Minus the chick-stealing and such... hehe. Luna, Patch and Zappa each have their own personalities. They make you feel so much emotion. And they make you learn something about caring for one another. :hug:
Besides having to reconfigure all our technology which is a bit costly, but acceptable, I really do fear that Andy might not get along with the other bunnies. I already wrote off Toby as a nonsocial bunny... but what if he doesn't get along with Kirby... I'd have THREE independent bunnies, and Andy wants so much love. I'm going around and around in my head about this. :bawl:

Wouldn't that be one lovely book?!!! I think my heart would melt into honey every time I opened it... :hug:

Oh, Helen, you are breaking my heart with your desire to have Andy. He really is a special boy, but getting him to you would be quitean undertaking in the first place. I couldn't see you take on another bun after all of your hard work to down-size computer stuff, only to find out that Andy doesn't bond to Kirby or Toby. Seriously, give Toby some time. He is young yet and hasn't realized that bonding is good. It really has taken Andy almost a year to calm down from his neuter and time to grow up. Andy really has become a sweetheart and I would love nothing more than for you to adopt him because I know you would post pics and antics for us. ;) But I could certainly see Kirby with a beautiful blue Dutchie girllike Luna to snuggle and reign overhis Kingdomwith. I think that would be a match made in Heaven... :hearts:

myheart wrote:
Oh, Helen, you are breaking my heart with your desire to have Andy. He really is a special boy, but getting him to you would be quitean undertaking in the first place. I couldn't see you take on another bun after all of your hard work to down-size computer stuff, only to find out that Andy doesn't bond to Kirby or Toby. Seriously, give Toby some time. He is young yet and hasn't realized that bonding is good. It really has taken Andy almost a year to calm down from his neuter and time to grow up. Andy really has become a sweetheart and I would love nothing more than for you to adopt him because I know you would post pics and antics for us. ;) But I could certainly see Kirby with a beautiful blue Dutchie girllike Luna to snuggle and reign overhis Kingdomwith. I think that would be a match made in Heaven... :hearts:

Really? It took Andy a year to be the sweetheart he is today? Toby is very young... I know. I'm not giving up on him emotionally... I am still trying daily to win his love with waves of mommy warmth :) It just pains me to watch him with Kirby, fighting all the time.

I really am torn about this. On the one hand, I'm ready to plan a weekend to drive 16 hours to you and on the other, I know I should consider what's best for my 2 boys right now. Introducing another bunny boy to the already tense relationship would not be good for anyone, not even Andy. It's kind of selfish of me to want him so badly. :ph34r2I would shower Andy Allen with so much love and smooching if he were mine though!! :hearts:

And there is still the matter of finding a queen fit for the crown of Rabbit Nation....
Andy has a Meet & Greet appointment set for this Friday, October 2nd,around 3:00pm!!! :biggrin2:

This won't be any official date, as there will not be another bunny involved. Andy might remain a bachelor, unless the potential adopter feels comfortable with the idea of bonding Andy some time after the adoption. The potential adopteris a single man in the southeast part of the state who became interested in Andy from his PetFinder posting. I am sure he will be a good bunny-dadfor Andy. :D

Will keep everyone posted on what happens after the meeting. There will probably be two meetings if the first goes well. We just want to make sure that Andy leaves a good impression andto make sure the potential adopterhas time to make sure that Andy is the right bun for him. :D

Awww. How nice. I'm sure Andy will be perfect, on his best behavior.

For the record though, Andy is mine in my heart :) :hearts
kirbyultra wrote:
Awww. How nice. I'm sure Andy will be perfect, on his best behavior.

For the record though, Andy is mine in my heart :) :hearts

I was a bit afraid to post that Andy has a meet & greet appointment. I know how much you would really like to have him all to yourself. It happens to me all the time when I look on PetFinder... I find the perfect bunny for me, but she is in another state, several states away, or in Canada. Right now, there is a beautiful Cinnamon bun at the Gainesville Rabbit Rescue in Florida and it is takingeverything I have not to PM slavetoabunny about her. :( I know I will get a big, beautiful bun some day, just not now...

I will try to get a few more pics of Andy while he is still with me. I really wish I could catch some of his fancy footwork on video... He has been so full of binkies of late. Maybe it's the change of weather... ;)

kherrmann3 wrote:
I might steal him before the bunny greet. ;)

:shock: Oh Nooooo.... I might have to start locking my doors at night!!!! :shock:

Imagine my calling the police to say my Andy Allen was stolen and the dead silence on the other end.... :?
myheart wrote:
Imagine my calling the police to say my Andy Allen was stolen and the dead silence on the other end.... :?
LOL That would be a very interesting write-up!

No, I am really glad that Andy has so many prospects. I am sure that you would only adopt him to someone or somebun who was truly going to love him and give him the best. He deserves it. There's too much uncertainty here with my buns and I don't want my stress to become sadness for Andy if he were here.

Sure it's kind of sad that he may not be available some day soon. I don't know exactly what, maybe just a feeling. Andy just seemed right. And I never even met him :)

I cruise petfinder every so often. I don't allow myself to look every day or I would be in big trouble. There are so many bunnies waiting for a forever home. :tears2:
kirbyultra wrote:
... I don't know exactly what, maybe just a feeling. Andy just seemed right. And I never even met him :)
I had that same feeling about a bunny who was located in BC, Canada. She wore a hat in her PetFinder picture, and I knew beyond doubt that she was the one for me. I just couldn't have her because of the distance... so unfair....:(
Sorry I have been remiss in updating Andy's blog about his meet & greet last Friday.

Things went very well with the potential adopter. He is a very nice man, who is very concerned about Andy's welfare. He has intentions on building the same condo Andy has now so the transition will be easier for Andy. He is also being giving names of rabbit-savvy vets in his area so he will be prepared for emergencies and check-ups.

Andy did very well for everything. He was a bit aloof at first and just checking the living room out. Once he became comfortable with the situation, he found a spot in front of the sofa he really liked. It took a little trancing time and a hand off to the guy for Andy to really warm up to him. The guy was so good with Andy.... He talked really quietly and calmly as he held Andy. Then when he let Andy down, he gave him some awesome shoulder rubs that Andy ate-up instantly. After that, Andy felt comfortable enough to hum twice while he was checking things out.Andy was so cute!!!! :p

In all, I think Andy has himself a new dadfor aguardian. An official drop-off date has not been set yet because of the condo-building, but I am sure it will be in the next week or two. *big sigh* My little man is leaving me soon..... :tears2:

Aww, Janet. I know how sad you are with little Andy possibly going away (even though you're happy for his adoption) :hug: Just remember, you gave your little man a wonderful place to stay until he found his forever home. Plus, you could always foster again, when your heart is ready to. :)
kherrmann3 wrote:
...Plus, you could always foster again, when your heart is ready to. :)

It was fun having Katie as a foster because she was a JW and so different. She was a real Princess!! I thought she was a heart-breaker when she left ....

There really is something endearing about Dutch. It is difficult to say what it is exactly. Andy has that something and more. He is such a treasure. I can't even imagine my life without a Dutch-bun in the house. If he were a girl, I am sure I would have found a way to incorporate him into my train. ;)Sadly, I have to let Andy go. What will I do with only two bunners in the house? I am going to need another foster just to keep my sanity....

I almost forgot... I have some cute pics of Andy from his Sunday morning run-time. He was so tired from chacing around that he flopped out under the piggie table.

Here's Andy's cuteness...









I am never able to get over how handsome he is!!! He is just too darn sweet!! He will be another one who will be difficult to get over letting him go, even if it is to a good home....

myheart wrote:
What will I do with only two bunners in the house? I am going to need another foster just to keep my sanity....
Your home will just be really, really quiet. I know ours was when we just went from two buns to one. I never noticed how much noise Berry-Boo and Emma made when they were here, but I definitely noticed it when they weren't here anymore.
Ohhhh... Andy charmed his dad-to-be out of his mind! Andy... Andy... :( I am glad the man seemed nice and was good to him. I am just a little sad he isn't mine... Sigh. He is so cute and squishie.