Simon & some post neuter problems?

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I didn't go to sleep till about 4am my n all.
I let Simon out for a little while, he was going crazy. Biting and tearing at everything. Figured it wouldn't hurt to let him out for a few minutes.
He explored the whole living room, peed in two
Now...He did binky about 6 times..and I am thinking,...if he hurt he wouldn't have done that.

He seemed to get tired fast, laid down and was breathing a little I put him away. He didn't like that and somehow..and I can't figure out how he managed it, he got his hay box right up on top of his water dish..standing up all right without getting hay in his water...he is

Ate up his pellets quickly this morning, looked at me like I was crazy when I put Brome Hay instead of Alfalfa...

I took some pics when I gave him his bene....most of them came out blurry...
I did notice he was grooming there last night...





Took those about 12:30 est

Bless Simon's heart! That's just RUDE!!!!!!!!!!

However, to me, it doesn't look quite as swollen. He's on Metacam, right?

Hang in there, Simon! It's gonna get better! Skyler's a big wuss and he made it! So will you!
Yeah...but he only has one more dose. Tomorrow mornings n than thats it.
Think I should ask the vet for more?
I think it looks less swollen. I would not worry about the metacam . Actually what I would do is not give tomorrow mornings dose until later tomorrow..that way you can see if he behaves any differently without it.
I am thinking that because it is Sun that you would have some difficulty getting more anyway.
I would be asking for some more. With no complications, boys are normally pretty muched healed about a week after the surgury. But with Simons unusual swelling, it's going to take him a bit longer to heal up. I would try to keep him on pain meds till his swelling goes down.

It looks like it's draining in the last set of pictures.

I would also ask the vet about his swelling when you call about pain meds. They may do a free post operation check up.

The swelling looks much better. Not nearly as red as it has been. The pictures don't quite do it justice.
What concerns me is he seems somewhat weird...maybe tired and blah. I saw hime eating his poop today, which I know is not all that uncommon...
The incision itself looks a wee bit bloody and I am wondering if that isn't from him grooming at it.
I already tried calling both vets we use and both are closed...I don't know if the E Vet would grant meds without a visit...

I always thought rechecks were free...but the vet that neutered said it would be 30 bucks to bring him in and than whatever else after that...sigh.

Just going to keep an eye on him for the rest of the day. Feel good the swelling and redness has gone down, but worried about that little bit of blood and how he seems sort of out of it and tired.
Me? Tired...but feeling good about things...
Simon...I think he must be feeling better. That swelling has gone way down, he cuddled with me for a few minutes.
There is still blood by the incision, but it looks dried now.
He seems mostly annoyed that he is restricted so much by the cage. Spending a lot of time in his litter box, throwing his hay around and lounging on his shelf.
He is very jumpy if he thinks you will pick him up or go near his rear,...I expect this will happen for awhile...

Sigh of we wait out the hormones and have hope lots more of a sweet Simon to look forward to in the future. Not to mention the peeing everywhere thing.
I'm so glad that Simon's doing better and you're less anxious, now. It's so worrisome when they're not feeling well.
Thanks! The vet had emailed back this morning saying if it got worse, redder, painful he would need anti's....but I don't think that is needed.
He looks much better.

I have to say I am so glad it is over with now. I have been worried about getting it done, wanting to get it done, wondering how will he be etc.
Now it is done, no more worries about the what ifs and we see what comes now.
I don't expect Simon to be the same as he was when we brought him home at 6 weeks old....but I have a good feeling we will be much closer to that side of him once his hormones settle.
He is still a little puddle of cuddle once you get past him being edgy...

I have some pics from last night and I will try to take some pics this morning and post them later one..

Thanks all for your support!

Sorry I haven't posted in awhile...things are still bumpy with moving.
Leaves me so wiped out...I am getting too old for this lol.
Told someone the other day that they would have to get an army to get me out of here next time as I am simply not moving again..for years..

Simon looks good and seems himself.
I have talk to the vet via email and sent along pics. She said to keep her posted but she feels fine with it too.
The swelling redness, everything has now gone away. He does have a scab on his incision area on that one testie but that is all now.
He has become very anti touching...well if he thinks or even gets wind of the thought crossing your mind to pick him up or check his rear he runs and hides.
I wasn't able to check him out at all today..but his behavior seems on target for him.

Strange enough I find...that he is eating his other hays. Like his hay box is empty at the end of the night or morning..which ever the case may be.
He doesn't go to town on the others like he will with Alfalfa, but still. He is actually eating them. I am thrilled to see this..his hay eating habits have always been a concern to me...but seeing this I feel good about taking away the alfalfa when it is all gone this time. May even try some of the other hays from the past and see if he would like them now. I don't get it and don't see how the neuter could have changed something like this and so fast, but I am certainly happy to see him munching all sorts of hay.
Hip hip hooray for Simon!

Thank you all for your wonderful support as always.
I certainly thought it was odd.
Tried to figure out a reason for it, but it can't be just that he smells like the dregs of alfalfa in the bottom of his box and is trying to get to it, any other time he would just dig to get to what he wants and leave the rest laying around.
Simon makes no bones about voicing or rather showing his displeasure over something. :)

He munched down like almost all the Brome hay yesterday...and a lot of the timothy so far today. Very proud of him!

I don't know if it has something to do with the move, new house, controlled temp, growing up some, being neutered...but it did change. I have to say I started noticing it about Sat. maybe....

June 25th made him 6 months old...
maybe somebunny told him that adult bunnies don't eat alfalfa

and he's trying to prove that he's an adult

Seriously maybe he ate less after the neuter and is just making up lost time with anything he can get

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