LOL...well, my brother certainly wouldn't get brother of the year award. When I started wearing glasses in grade 4, he had me convinced that I was going blind and that I wouldn't be able to see by the time I reached adulthood. And of course, every year when I went for an eye test my eyes were getting worse (they stabilized sometime in my 20s, I think), and I was in tears, believing what my brother had told me. I was too shy to ask the opthalmologist if it was true...:?
Oh, forgot one...when my sister was around 5 or 6 my brother and I some live lobsters from a bag that our dad had brought home and arranged them all around her on the floor. She thought they were hideous and wanted to get away from them, but we told her that they could fly, and that if she moved they would leap up and fly over to her, clinging to her body with their huge claws. She had these big tears in her eyes and wouldn't move an we left her there and came back maybe 15 minutes later...she still hadn't moved and looked like she was petrified. Guess I wasn't up for sister of the year award either.
P.S. Yep, the family down the street had their problems. The mom was a huge believer in all sorts of strange old wives' tales and she used to treat the children as if they were toddlers even after they'd grown, and the dad - who I only recall seeing ahandful of times - had some sort of mental illness and moved out of the house. He used to show up in the neighborhood every once in a while...he'd be seen lurking in the shadows around his house, watching his family through the windows. The mom wound up severely ill as she got older, and the older sister devoted her life to taking care of her. She - the sister - never married; just stayed at home and took care of her mom, who was bedridden for a great many years. The oldest (and only) brother changed his name and left the province, and the younger sister wound up following in his footsteps a few years later. As odd as the mom was, I felt so badly for both her and her daughter...and the dad too.They were a very sad family.