Silly Rabbits

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okay, update for tonight

*if you haven't guessed already, i am trying to update the blog daily, we will see how it goes.

so this morning was cute, i don't go to work till like 11 am, so i sleep in rather late (9:30 to 10 ish), that normally means i don't sleep till at LEAST 2 am, normally closer to 3 am.

the rabbits have fallowed this patern also. now winnie likes to sleep, in fact she sleeps in later then i do, even on my days off. just a lazy mini lop. so i wake up late this morning at about 10:15 to find both rabbits dead bunny flopped, winnie is so far out that she doesn't even move as i stubble around the room. doesn't flinch when i turn on the music (i put music on right when i wake up, helps me get my day started).

and chaucer, well, he did the same. i love having rabbits just like me.

other then that it was a basic normal day, same old, same old. i worked all day long 11 am to 10 pm. was greeted at the door when i got home by winnie.

my back is still feeling like murder. did way to much yesterday i think. i really need a new job, 10 hours on my feet, lifting, hauling, bending. . . it is taking it toll on me, but i really love my job. i love cooking on a line, and working with patients, and learning different diets. blah. it all kinda sucks.

so i am starting to think about my living situation again. not so much the now, but in this upcomming september (i know it is way far away, but i like to plan life out and know what i am going to do). our lease is up. and i know that as long as my roommate is still with her current boyfriend (which i would guess would be a big fat yes as the are head over heels for each other) then she will be moving in with him. i think it will be time for me to go back home, to my parents. save up some money and pay off some old debt. just be home. right now i really just want to be home. i can really afford my apartment by myself, i just don't really want to. it would mean being always tight on money, and living alone. but it will be hard, because i love this apartment. i truely do. i love being here and having this my own place.

anyway, i have rattled on enough for tonight. have a few pics i might upload of the buns, not sure yet if i feel like it tonight, or i might wait till tomorrow.
okay, only a short update tonight cause i am 1/2 way asleep already. it was a reallylong and hard day for me. work is well, hard. it sometimes feels like i am trying so hard but getting now place with my current job choice.

anyway, the buns are good, winnie is super upset with me for closing her off in my bedroom so toulouse could have the house to run around in while we had a friend over. she is so spoiled lol. i had my friend go into my bedroom and sit with her a while just so she wouldn't feel left out. the great thing is that my friend completely understands the whole thing.

anyway, i am going to sleep, better update tomorrow and maybe a few pics!

okay, only a short update tonight cause i am 1/2 way asleep already. it was a reallylong and hard day for me. work is well, hard. it sometimes feels like i am trying so hard but getting now place with my current job choice.

anyway, the buns are good, winnie is super upset with me for closing her off in my bedroom so toulouse could have the house to run around in while we had a friend over. she is so spoiled lol. i had my friend go into my bedroom and sit with her a while just so she wouldn't feel left out. the great thing is that my friend completely understands the whole thing.

anyway, i am going to sleep, better update tomorrow and maybe a few pics!

sadly another very quick update

and sorry, no photos once again

the buns are good. winnie, in all her great and grand bad girl skills managed to get on my table, into a container of cupcakes, and get bright green frosting all over herself, but i now have a splotch of green smeer on my beige carpet. . .

. . . anyone know of a good way to remove green food colored frosting from carpet? my landlord is going to kill me.

so chaucer has become addicted to the pair of jeans i put in his cage to cuddle into. i took them out and gave them a good shake, and set them aside to clean his cage. he proceeded to thump and run right for them. the poor little bugger thought i was going to toss them or something.

and btw, chaucer has currently decided to tell me that he finished all his pellets in his bowl by filling his empty food dish with all his toys *rolls eyes*

winnie on the other hand is trying to tell me it is bedtime, but rooting around me, the computer, and all my blankets to find the heating pad. i turn it on every night and let her cuddle into it while i read before bed.

i don't know how i got such pushy rabbits. they are both spoiled rotten.

oh and now chaucer has moved onto the bunny 500's in the cage portion of tonight. which also includes the tripping over everything in his cage and faceplanting it into the litterbox part of the night lol. just in case anyone wanted a play by play of my night.

i should also note to anyone interested that i am going to cut my hair

thinking about going short again, kinda like this

it will be fun to have a hair cut that really shows off my tattoo on the back of my neck.

also for anyone that cares to know, i think i am going to get my tongue pierced. just don't know when yet.

and i am off for the night to set my timer coffee maker and hit the hay. . . another long day of work tomorrow, and well, winnie is beyond annoying. . . it is for sure time for bed in her book!
Cool hair cut. Looks very similar to what I have right now, except I have no bangs 'cause my face just doesn't suite the.

I also wanted to tell you that I really enjoy reading your blog. I don't comment very much, but I always get a giggle out of your bunnies antics :)

well, i am getting my hair cut at 9:45 tomorrow!

and thanks dawn. i don't think i am ever short on bunny stories. my 2 keep me on the tip of my toes all the time. can't wait to bring pandora in, she seems way more calm then winnie and chaucer. maybe i will finally have a normal bunny lol

anyways, more later. i am being nudged by winnie for morning veggies, food, and hay!
okay, this will be part 1 of my update for tonight, as part 2 is going to be long.

wanted to share my new hair cut! although the pics are really really bad, and i will get some new ones up in part 2. my computer isn't interested in uploading photos to photobucket tonight. blah

anyway. this is before



and a quick one of now!


once the rest upload, i will add them, it will show the cut better!
so be ready guys, this post is going to be super long, and only part of it is about rabbits.

we will update ya'll on the buns first.

so after many, many days of seeing winnie and chaucer laying around like this




AND seeing some groomming thru the cage i decided to do somethng risky

i did a quick bonding session the other night

and was floored with the results




no problems with each other as long as there was food to eat. and both rabbits were content enough to munch on the parsley the entire time.

now after the food was gone (what i let them eat of it), that was slightly a different story. it wasn't all out fighting, but there was some chasing and such. i only had them together for about 10 minutes, maybe 15. but no blood, no massive chasng, ect. i am so happy. maybe bonding will be easier then i thought.

so on to the katie part. the next 30 days are going to be huge for me. i am doing a 30 day makeover. what this is meaning:

new look- haircut, all new outfit

new diet- working on eating better. more organic, raw fruit and veggies.

new workout- starting to do the 30 day shred workout video, and i am honestly terrified. i just got done watching it, so i wasn't shocked at what i am doing tomorrow morning. i am going to hurt. i can tell. lol. the thought of doing this workout before working a 10 hour day is kinda daunting, but i will do it.

new job- yes, scary, but i am going to start looking for a new job, one that i am a little happier in. it doesn't matter if i find one, just that i am going to look is enough for me.

i need to do this. all this. for myself. today was step one. the haircut. tomorrow i start the workout, and the new diet. and i hope to live for the next 30 days. lol. (can you tell that this workout is totally, completely, and without question freaking me out. it is hard, on top of 10 hours on your feet for work)

i can't even begin to say how much this could all change my life.

i just hope that i can keep it all up. i always start this kind of thing and never keep going with it. this time will just have to be different
Sounds exciting,your 30 day makeover. I saw thatDVD and heard good things about it. I'll let you try it first to see how it is before I go out and get it!:p I used to follow the Billy Blank Tae Bo. Hard but it worked.
well, my 30 day makeover might have to wait a few days to even start.

i am sick. i thought it was just allergies acting up, but this cough is getting way worse, and i can feel it all in my chest.


i did do the workout today, and can for sure feel it (i am sure that tomorrow i will feel it even more). if i am feeling good in the morning, i will workout again, but if i am still feeling this bad in my chest and cough, then i will hold out till i am better to really dive into it all.

nothing new to report with the buns tonight. i am working a lot of crazy hours this week, and so i really haven't spent that much time with them.

anyway, i am off to bed. try to get some sleep inbetween this barking cough.

well, no workout this morning. between yesterday's workout and being sick i feel like i was hit by a truck a few times.

getting ready to get up and ready for work. had a cute bunny story to share

chaucer decided that since i push hay whenever a bunny isn't feeling good, then hay is what i need. i opened his cage to give him pellets and do a little morning cleanup in the cage, and he runs to his hay pile, grabs a mouthfull of hay, and brings it to me.

anyone ever had their buns bring them stuff? this is completely a first for me.

but i thanked him, gave him a few nose rubs and some much deserved kisses. he seemed happy with the whole thing and gave me a few binkies, tripped over his food dish, and biffed it on the floor lol. classic chaucer.

it is hard leaving the house some days, knowing that i have 2 rabbits that want me here, at home, so much. but off to work i go!

time fo get busy with my day
so winnie has decided that i have worked enough this past week.

this morning i was trying to get out the door. winnie had other ideas for me. she plops her butt right in front of the door as i am putting on my coat and grabbing my purse.

i try to scoot her out of the way, and she growls and lunges at me. i tell her no, and move her aside, open the door, and try to take a step out when she dashes in front of me.

untill she realizes that it is winter outside, and there is snow everywere. she then jumps back in the house and cuddles next to my feet.

oh, my silly rabbit.

but it is great to know that i am so loved.

so i wanted to post something from last year. it was for the v-day contest. it was for herman. this month he would have been 4. i miss my boy every day.


i just needed to have it in this blog. i will be starting on v-day pics of my current buns soon. just for something fun to do.

and just an FYI we still need help getting pandora to me. anyone in michigan that can help with transport would be great!

better update, and maybe a few photos tomorrow (i am planning another bonding date with chauce and winnie)

ah! my blog fell to the second page. . . i am terrible at updating it!

so winnie has LOVED having me home the past 2 days. i brushed her out (as she is molting right now) and got so much loose fur off her.

so in a few minutes i will unleash the power of chaucer onto the world (aka- he gets his nightly run around time) although now it is limited to my room, as he has started to spray, and it blends in more with my carpet (and that is how my landlord will not find out i have a spraying bunny in the house). i know i am bad, but i do clean it up when he does it. you just see *no* stain at all cause our carpet in the bedroom is mustard yellow shag (sexy i know lol).

but anyways, i might get some good photos in. *maybe*. will update more later!
chaucer pics! as promised!




^i love his cute little bunny butt!


^look how cute it is!





^almost action binkie shot. . . lol, i missed it


^again, i missed the binkie! gosh darn it all!

okay, i gotta round him up and put him back, he just hit the 4th time me telling him to stop chewing the carpet. . .

enjoy the photos!

forgot the video!

sorry that it is so dark, and the quality is bad, but thought i would share it anyway!

Those are some nice pics of Chaucer! I must go back and read your blog from the beginning.

Could you tell me how old Chaucer is and how much her weighs? He is very handsome for a Siamese. Would like to hear more about him... or will I find out if I read earlier pages?

chaucer will be 4 months old tomorrow!

and well, he weighs about 5 or 6 pounds. he isn't very big for a satin boy. but he was a litter of 9, so that could have had something to do with it. he should finish growing at like 8 months and should be around 8 to 10 pounds.

you will find out more about him in my past entries. he is classic satin. very muscular, very soft, and lots of personality!

and thanks! i love taking photos of my buns, but winnie hates it, so i photo chaucer instead!

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