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Well-Known Member
May 9, 2008
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Salisbury, Pennsylvania, USA
My apt has central air in it. but we can't control the way the vents blow. so if we're on the couch watching tv the vent from accross the room blows on you. of course doug thinks this feels great but i get cold. but how do the bunnies handle it? i don't think it actually hits liffy but i'mmore worried about when Liffy and Doug take their "naps" on the couch that last a good hour or so of snoring and if the AC blows freezing air on her is she gonna get sick? I raise canaries and they can't get drafts or they die. anyone have any thoughts???? i got worried when she sneezed twice today but it was right after she put her whole face in a fresh bowl of hay. she got a little over eager and scarfed
I know that it's probably not good for the air to be blowing directly at her. Rabbits don't like drafts. I read on this one website oncethat drafts are one of the most common weather killers of rabbits. And I read on this other website that if they get a draft they will get sick.
I would be a lot more worried about drafts in the winter. I have window air, but when I was at my parents house which has central, Tony used to sit ON the AC vent. He would block it for the whole room! Little stinker. Soooo, I wouldn't worry about it unless they try to stay really far from the vets, or their ears feel cold often. If you don't put your AC below 70, I absolutely wouldn't worry about it.

Here's King Tony on his Central Air Throne:

Sitting on the vent is funny!!! Zamboni sits in front of the floor fan and thumps if you move it, turn it down, or off if he is there. Little stinker.

Yeah, some bunnies like to lay on the vents, hee. I would say it should be fine-as Tonyshuman said, but if you get cold, can you slightly close that vent? There should be a switch thingy on it.;)
I think as long as they have the option of moving out of the draft it's fine.

For example, we have fans aimed at the buns' cages, but they have their hidey houses they can go in to get out of the breeze. That said, they usually choose to be in it.
We actually had a problem with the AC blowing on one of our bunnies. However, in our case, the AC was blowing directly onto his cage and he didn't have a place to escape the draft. He developed sneezing fits and didn't get better until we covered the top of his cage with a towel.

If your bunnies can move away from the draft they should be fine. I would only be concerned if they start to sneeze uncontrollably.
i tested out the vents today. they are bizzare and are high up almost to the ceiling. and they blow directly on the couch but not of liffy. and i think the AC bothers me more than most people b/c i never had it growing up. literally i spent the first 30 years of my life living without it. now i LOVE it but even when it's on low and it's on me i still feel cold. Liffy seems fine. heaven knows she's running around like a maniac and pooping EVERYWHERE!!! If I only had a garden where i live now I'd be HAPPY with all her poop....great
I can't imagine life without AC. That said, it gets over 110 a lot here in the summers, but I know my dorm in the fall won't have AC, then again, it doesn't get that hot in Ithaca in the winter.
I have central air...LOVE IT! I love that the whole apartment is one temp and no worries about moving anyone around.

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