We've settled on signature guidelines, thanks for all your patience.
Keep in mind that these are
guidelines, if someone has something larger or different, they are free to run it by the staff. Some designs are more distracting than others. Bo B Bunny has been appointed the Sig Nazi, (LOL!) just drop her a PM with a sample, she'll run it by everybody else.
The guideline sizes are for total content, and that means a combined graphics, pics, text and icons size. We're not as concerned about length as height, as long as they don't stretch anybody's screen.
The RO Friends are asked to stick to just a line of text OR the Bunny Rabbit Iconifers once we get the latter program properly set up.
Bunny Rabbit Iconifers is an invention courtesy of Delusional where forum members can make their own cute little bunny icons fashioned after their own rabbits.
We still need to set minimum and maximum sizes to accommodate both the dwarf and flemish fans, so please bear with us on that one!
At this time, we're just saying the max size is 25 pixels, but that may change.
So here are the guidelines: