Sign my petition to ban all Muppets from the bunny chat!

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welllll mebbe you shud talk to her bowt dat and tell her "here's da rules misseh" and share da lovins wif her cause i'm sure yoo'd be lonely wifout her :( who wood you hab to snuggle up wif when you's skeered and mama's not home?

Fraggles am I a Muppet?

I'm a good girl, I share everything with Winston and Vega. Maybe you should try to share with Miss Muppet, she's very cute.


Daisy Mae
wait, DAT'S a muppet? uhoh... I fink dat means I might could be a muppet too :(

I DON'T WANNA BE A MUPPET! and if I iz, I vote no on banning muppets from bunny chat! Gazzles says she'll vote no too so's we can come in her togefer.

If your notz for me then you against me!
Daisy Mae you have always been a good friend but maybe your just a well mannered Muppet! A Muppet with manners.....

Nala is also a Muppet! I am so mad rightz now and I am sick of all these Muppets!!!!
I don't snuggle with Muppet at all...I pull her fluff out when she is sleeping though...:nasty:
Tonight Muppet was given cilantro and I was not given ANY! I was told it was because I got into the grocery bag and ate a whole bunch of cilantro earlier but that was EARLIER.... I know the real reason...Because cilantro is a "Muppet only" treat now! NO MORE MUPPETS!!!!!!
Gaz - *looks at Nala... then Fraggles... then Nala again... then bites Fraggles on the bootie*
Fraggles shames on you. Its was anti bully weeks last weeks. Did you learns noffing. You is a big strong beautiful bunny. Des muffets are just little bits of fluffs and should be protected. After all something dat small cannot eats that much. I is sorry but because I really likes Houdini ( he is a fluffy bunny nots a pekinese doggies ), Daisy Mae with her cute little green mouth and face and that fluffy little soft Muffet who looks like one of my favourite stuffies, I must votes against you. Us big bunnies should be protecting the little guys.
I think that the Muffet did you a favour. She ates the cilantro so you didn't has to. I think that cilantro is disgusting and yucky, and mom won't lets me kiss her after I eats it. You is lucky that the Muffet loves you enough to prevent you from having to eats that stuff.
we dids not knowed that teh muppet wuz blind. we finks it's EXTRA rude of Fraggles to be mean to da blind muppet! dat poor muppet can't see all da pwetty fings there is to see and can't even see what your bunny-momma looks like!

Dats not a Muppet. Dats green eggs and ham, as mommy calls dem.

oh fank goodness. Agent Wiggles, one o da other HIB, said his dadda wasa dust bunny an' DAS why he's dat way. If he's part bunny he's gotta be a-okay eben if he is awfully small.

I dons know bout what der green eggs n ham is but my momma laughed really hard so I fink it mus be good. :biggrin:

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