Sick of feeling ill :(

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Well-Known Member
Feb 20, 2008
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Northamptonshire, , United Kingdom
I haven't felt right since August and now its November.

I'm so annoyed, what have I done to deserve this? This week I developed a cold a very bad cold, with temperature, headache, constant sore throat etc etc on top of feeling sick alot.

I have panto rehersal on Sunday I hope I'm better, I'd hate to miss the first one :(I want to be better and feel fine so I can concentrate properly at school, be with the bunnies more often, stop moaning all the time.

Thanks for listening

I'm sorry to hear that you are sick! I have also been under the weather in some sort of a way or another since the begining of September. I was sick all of September with gallbladder pains (working 60 hrs a week too!) and had to wait till Oct 1 to have that removed. I was back to my somewhat normal self for two weeks and then ended up in a car accident (hit bydrunkdriver)that's left me wheelchair bound with two surgeries under my belt and one more to go. Thankfully, I won't be in a wheelchair forever but it's no fun having your mobility taken from you.

As far as something to do.... I'm sure you are able to do more then myself. But I've been playing games online, checking out, watching tv, and working on a latch hook that I'll later turn into a pillow along with napping. I'm running out of things to do and have a minimum of 2 months left to be wheelchair bound, if not more. Errm!

Maybe since Christmas is approaching, try out this site and see if you find something!

It's simply made out of items you can find in the house or easily obtain.
Everyone has different symptoms.

I had upper and lower back pain and SHARPupperstomach pains after eating fatty and greasy foods.
Hey Becca since u've been sick for a couple of months u should get an allergy test and make sure it isn't the BUNNIES that are making u sick.
When i spend a lot of 1 on 1 time with the bunnies i get sick. When I brush Fluffy i get even worse and my asthma kicks in.

Just a though Rebecca
Cause u likely have rabbit fur on u. Did u spend alot of time with the bunnies that morning/nite before your holidays?? That could explain why. My simptomds don't just disaper they linger and come back strong.
Anyways it wouldn't hurt to get an Allergy test done.
Luvr of Wabbits and Polar Bears wrote:
Hey Becca since u've been sick for a couple of months u should get an allergy test and make sure it isn't the BUNNIES that are making u sick.
When i spend a lot of 1 on 1 time with the bunnies i get sick. When I brush Fluffy i get even worse and my asthma kicks in.

Just a though Rebecca

I was just thinking the same thing, - and what about the playhouse you changed into a rabbit house? Is there a chance something in there is making your allergies act up, or just having the rabbits in a more enclosed space aggrivating problems youve had in the past?

When did you convert the playhouse into a rabbit house? What month?



That would ruin my whole life, how can I be a veterinary nurse if I'm allergic, i might have to give up my bunnies


How can an allergy make me feel sick (i know sick here means throw up but in America it means ill) i thought allergies make you have like a tight chest, headache, itchy eyes ETC
Mum said that if it was the bunnies it would be nose and eyes and stuff, and I can't just 'have' an alergy test because they need to test for something and it could be anything.

I would go to the docter and get tested so they can find out what it is you're allergic to. That way you can deal with the situtation accordingly and come up with a plan.

--Erika :)
Thats what I asked mum but she said that they have to test for something they can't just do an alllergy test. They need to be looking for an allergy to do the test.

Well u have something to test for the RABBITS. I went for an allergie test cause i develop Asthma. And sure enough it was the rabbits that i was allergic too as well a few other things. What about dander, grass, pollen, mold?? do any of those things bother u??


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