Welcome aboard, Datsun,
It could be GI Stasis, a blockage, or her teeth or a number of things.I'd start by getting some NutriCal for your little one and giving heran inch of it as it comes in a tube like toothpaste. The sooner thebetter. She must keep her nutrient levels up. NutriCal is advertised asa Nutritional Supplement for Cats and Dogs and it provides the rabbitswith the nutrients it needs while it boosts their immune systems, haslaxatone in it, and increases their appetite.
Time is of the essence. I'd get it right away. It can cost anywhere from $10-18 in a pet shop or pet supply place.
Also, check out the link in Carolyn's Top Picks - A Cheat Sheet forRabbit Care - GI Stasis - Page 10. It'll give you a list of homeremedies you can try.
I'll be thinking and praying for your little one. Please keep us posted.