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Well-Known Member
May 20, 2004
Reaction score
Bubville, , USA

I've been scouting around for pics of Sandy Flemish, and haven't foundany really good ones. Do you have any? Especially Bubby-aged ones?



I agree with Pam bub looks fawn colored, with maybe some sandy in thebackround but closer to the fawn color. Try going to the NationalFederation of Flemish Giant website or try going to mywebsite dont raise fawns just because that is one too many colors for thesize of rabbitry I want. ( no way I want over fifty wich i get closetoo when I get litters) If you look at AJ and buddy pic on my homepageyou may see that buddy is a lighter colored. That is because babysandies usauly are untill they get their ticking. I dont think I haveany good pictures of some big headed bucks on my webpage. I should takesome now that I think about it. Maybe I will today, I will post them assoon as I get a picture editing program back onto my computer.
The difference in the Fawn and Sandy color is dueprimarily to the non-extension gene. The Fawn would berecessive "ee", where the Sandy is dominant "E". Rufusmodifiers and the wide band gene also play a role in the intensity ofthe coat. You can see a significant difference in the twocoat colors when blowing into the fur. The fawn has a whiteundercolor (close to the skin), where the Sandy has a slate blue bandof color next to the skin and a very red intermediate band on the furshaft (gives the appearance of a circle or "ring color" when blowinginto the coat). The top color of the Sandy is interspersedwith black ticking. Similar ticking on the fawn is referredto as "smut".

Ben is a Sandy Flemish who is a little youngerthan your Bub, I will try to get some pictures of his coat in goodlight so you can see it. He is going through some changes with his coatright now though. He is getting alot more of the blackticking and seems to be getting his "adult coat". Hope they will help.

Fergi's mom
Ooops, you're right, fawn was thecolorI was looking for. ButBub is just plainorange, no ticking. His color is straight Pal....but that big body....

Isabella has a lighter orange shade like her dad, and a bit of "smut"like you described, Pam. Her white blaze disappeared though, so we'llsee what happens by next year. She may revert to orange on the eartips. Although her lashes turned dark too....

thanks all!

Not every purebred rabbit is a goodrepresentation of it's breed and conversely, some mixed breeds fit apurebreed standard quite well :) It can also bedifficult to meet the standard for certain colors, so carefulselections must be made when choosing which rabbits to breed.

It's possible that a breeder mixed another large breed in if theirPalominos were not reaching minimum weight. Thiscansometimes happen in lines that are closely inbred.

That makes sense. The mother's lines were closely inbred, I'm sure, because of stock scarcity.



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