Show Rabbit Question - :)

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The whole idea behind "showing" a rabbit is to breed an excellentanimal, with certain physical traits (certain size, shape, fur type, color, etc.),according to the breed standard. And to continue perfecting the breeding lines.

If you show a spayed or neutered rabbit (or any other animal) it's a wasted effort. The genetic material is unavailable to continue the lines. The only reason that you could be showing then, is for selfish gain.

Everybody likes to win a trophy or a ribbon, but there is a purpose behind it and by showing a rabbit that can not be bred, you defeat the purpose. That is why ARBA has established that rule. (By the way, the AKC has the same rules for dogs and the ACFA- American Cat Fanciers Assoc. doesn't allow Neutered and Spayed cats to compete against intact cats.)

Showing a spayed rabbit in an ARBA sanctioned class is cheating... and you may win, and only you will know you cheated... but it still isn't right. Obeying the rules, even on the honor system, denotes a certain level of maturity in a person.

Some 4-H shows (Non ARBA sanctioned)do allow spayed or neutered rabbits. But you need to check the rules for each show.
Wow. Thanks for the great info everyone.It makes sense to keep them intact because the whole point is to show how perfect they are. I think i'm going to get my bunny fixed though. I wont be able to dedicate myself to shows with school and all and want to just have a companion bunny. Thats ok. I can show him off to all of you guys. lol.

BSAR wrote:
If you want to show a male he must be intact. Otherwise he will be disqualified becuase the judge won't know if he is female or male, even if the paper says. I am pretty sure that it is ok with females because they don't have a part that is outside so the judge wouldn't know anyway.

If you flip a bun over and push out there "pee-pee" part, you can tell. Look for a taco (ehh, slit) or look for a donut!
BabyBailey, just thought I'd say that I've had a few male rabbits and have never had spraying problems at all with my Hollands, Mini Lops, Rexes, and a Champagne. :)
speaking in terms of females... could you be DQ'd if the rabbit is spayed? How would they know (i know palpation) but honestly otherwise for shows do they even bother palpating? Even if they did aside from it being morally wrong is it so wrong? I know it seems like a silly question, im just curious
If the judge finds out... (see Pams comment above) yes, the rabbit will be disqualified. There is a certain level of honesty and personalintegrity involved.

As mentioned before "Showing a spayed doe is against the rules and technically cheating. No, it doesn't "show" on the outside, but it's not the right thing to do."

I figured it would be DQ'd but i was curious to hear other input on it... I mean afterall is it really hurting anything if the rabbit is altered, does it really make a difference (with the obvious exception of being against the rules). I understand it being morally wrong and totally understand that! It isnt something I would do but then again I dont show my rabbits :p

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