I'm pretty sure this info is correct,but I will be looking for confirmations and augmentations from Randy, Ivory and whoever else can contribute.
Cirrhosis - liver damage - isn't reversible. (Not sure about the liver problems attributed to Tylenol/Acetaminophen.
Tylenol in low doses forvery brief periods may not actually be toxic to rabbits (like it is for dogs and especially for cats) unless there areother pre-existing conditions (like liver issues), but it's also very ineffective for pain control,it doesn'treduce inflammation (unlike aspirin),and won't help this kind of injury.
Therearealso potentially fatalulcers and other GI problems (as well askidney damage if dehydrated)if mixed with NSAIDs orotherdrugs (Metacam and Ibuprofen are NSAIDs).
The potential side effects aren't worth the lack of benefits, and it will be dangerous to give the rabbit a drug that WILL work after giving him the Tylenol.
Asnoted above, Ibuprofen is the usual drug of choice for rabbits -- I still recommend Baby Motrin -- but these, likemost painkillers,must be taken with food and only given to well-hydrated rabbits not prone to kidney or liver problems (one of many reasons it too should be prescribed by a vet), and also never given in conjunction with Tylenol.
sas :?