Should we buy a Female for our male Rabbit

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Thank you all for the wonderful suggestions.

Can anyone comment on why a neutered male (even if he is on his own) will live a longer life ?

If we decide to keep Snowball and not seek company for him, what are the main reasons for having him neutered ?


JF wrote:
Thank you all for the wonderful suggestions.

Can anyone comment on why a neutered male (even if he is on his own) will live a longer life ?

If we decide to keep Snowball and not seek company for him, what are the main reasons for having him neutered ?


Well, a neutered male rabbit can't get testicular cancer, simplybecause there are no testicles left!! Neutering also helps,(the majority of the time), with behavioral problems...they are lesslikely to spray their territory...

I find it is just kinder to the animal to have them neutered if theyare not being bred, other wise they will constantly be searching forsomeone to mate with and you will have a very sexually frustratedrabbit on your hands!! Hope this helps

Would like to point out that once bonded there isthe probability he may not react as much with you and the children ifhe has a partner. Some do, some don't.

With two buns you increase potential food and veterinariancosts. Labor to keep things clean is perhaps 1/3rd moreintensive, but that's just a guess.

HRS shelters often take in bunnies other shelters are unable toplace. There is a higher pobability of getting a "broken"bunny there, which is okay if your understand what you are getting into.

JF wrote:
Can anyone comment on why a neutered male (even if he is on his own) will live a longer life ?

If we decide to keep Snowball and not seek company for him, what are the main reasons for having him neutered ?
Statistics abound about increased longevity of spayed does. Ican find no supporting evidence for bucks though, other than theobvious "no testicles, no cancer" line of reasoning.

Castration serves to reduce undesirable hormonal activities likemarking territory with urine and poops, urine spraying(prolific andaccurate!), mounting, circling, nipping and must be less frustrating tothe little guy if he never to reproduce. It has been said that theprocedure makes for a better pet, especially in the case of bucks.


Buck Jones wrote:
JF wrote:
Can anyone comment on why a neutered male (even if he is on his own) will live a longer life ?

If we decide to keep Snowball and not seek company for him, what are the main reasons for having him neutered ?
that the procedure makes for a better pet, especially in the case of bucks.


Buck Jones wrote:
HRS shelters often take in bunnies other shelters are unable to place.There is a higher pobability of getting a "broken" bunny there, whichis okay if your understand what you are getting into.


Though this may be true, one of the great things about HRS rescues isthat they know the buns personalities before adopting them out. MostHRS adoptees have been in foster homes where they get personalattention. They try to rehabilitate the "broken" buns. I know the MNHRS will not adopt out a rabbit unless they believe it is ready for apermanent home. They also let potential families know of potentialsocialization problems, skittishness, medical problems, etc. That's abenefit over getting a baby whose personality you can't predict or arabbit from an overcrowded shelter where no one really knows itspersonality. Getting a "used" rabbit is always a risk, but there arealso benefits.


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