Should we buy a Female for our male Rabbit

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Mar 6, 2005
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Hello Everybody !

We have a wonderful male rabbit named snowball. Snowball has been withus for a year and a half now. Snowball has a large 20 feet x 14 feetroom in our house all for himself.

Lately we have been considering the possibility to buy a female to keephim company. We would probably let them have one "batch" of babies andwe would have snowball neutered after.

Are we right to think that our rabbit would be happier with a companionor is it possible that he may not appreciate sharing his space with her.

Your input would be grately appreciated.

Thanks a to all.

Is your rabbit a mixed breed? In my opinion there are already WAYYY to many rabbits in the world but this is just my opinion.
I agree, there is no need for additional bunnies unless it's for show purposes, etc.

Just breeding bunnies to have baby bunnies is very irresponsible.

After that, I would add, get both he and she neutered and spayed. It's healthier for them.

If you do decide to get a female, there is a chance they will notbond. There's a great chance they will but that's somethingto keep in mind.

If you want a girl friend for him, go get a rescue bunny that's been spayed... there are so many out there in need of a home.

it'syour choice of having litters or not, but there is a bigover-population, you should really make sure you can provide safe,caring homes for them before breeding. two males can do finetogether. neutered and spayed opposite sexes can do well together. itdepends on if that particular bun wants to have abuddy.

By the way, a Warm Welcome to the forum, JF!

Welcome to the forum JF,

Lucky for Snowball to have a room all to himself. Is helonely, is that why you are seeking a companion rabbit? Whatdo you plan to do with the "batch" of babies later on? Yes,there are alot of things to consider in doing the right thing forSnowball. Good Luck in your decision.

I agree with what everyone else has said. One ofmy biggest pet peeves is when people breed their animals (especiallymixed breeds) to just "have" them with no purpose. I have a hugeproblem with people breeding mix breeds unless it is for meat purposes.

Please keep in mind some rabbits can have up to 16 babies in one batch.What would you do with all of them? Are you willing to keep any babiesthat you cannot find homes for? Are you willing to pay for all of theextra costs that having a litter would include?

Please be responsible and research, research, research before you everintroduce an unspayed female to him. You might find that you aregetting in over your head.

If you want a companion for him, your best bet is to get him nuetered, then adopt a spayed female from a local shelter.

Exactly! and up to 16 but the record is in the 20's isn't it! :shock:

Anyhow, JF welcome, and please let us know what the whole intention is so we can better advise you.

I don't think my rabbit would like a "friend" but I could be wrong.
Thanks all.

I am amazed by the fast replies ;)

The babies are definitively an option that wecan eliminate.Our kids usually get to spend one hour per day with Snowball. However,we feel that he would be happier with company (we may be wrong :?).

Are chances very good that he will get along well with a female companion ?

JF wrote:
Thanks all.

I am amazed by the fast replies ;)

The babies are definitively an option that wecan eliminate.Our kids usually get to spend one hour per day with Snowball. However,we feel that he would be happier with company (we may be wrong :?).

Are chances very good that he will get along well with a female companion ?
If both are fixed the chances are high with proper introduction. Butthen again, there is always the possiblity that no matter how hard youtry, they will just not get along. :?

JF wrote:
Thanks all.

I am amazed by the fast replies ;)

The babies are definitively an option that wecan eliminate.Our kids usually get to spend one hour per day with Snowball. However,we feel that he would be happier with company (we may be wrong :?).

Are chances very good that he will get along well with a female companion ?
Is snowball purebred? sounds white :) what color eyes..... got pics? lol.

You know, Bo is 8 or 9 mos old depending on who you talk to.He gets out a couple times a day. Right now he's laying onthe sofa with my daughter.... which he won't do with me :Xandhe's very content.

I just can't see him wanting a friend. He's so ..... independant in ways and totally spoiled in other ways.

I also think breed has something to do with it. He might lovea friend. Many bunnies take to another immediately!
lol, that reminds me of what i told my mom thismorning about how Briar isn't his normal self without his Brambie-poo.he doesn't really want to do muh of anything, even when in his outdoorpen without Bramble right next to him. Bramble's doin' fine without himthough:p! she could care less! but, poor Briar, havin' a big heartacheover his beloved:(:(:(. some just want companion ship (briar) othersdon't give a rip (Bramble).

hello and welcome!

i think you should let snowball have the place to himself bondingrabbits takes time and hard work! do you have time to do those things.also you and your kids are all he needs many people belive they dobetter in pairs but i belive they are happier with you smothering themwith all the attention.

I'm very much against breeding the rabbitsbecause of the over population. But that's your choice of what to do.(I'm not again mixed breeds, personally I love my mixed breeds!)

It's a common misconception that rabbits need a companion rabbit. Ithought the same and I ended up with serious fighting. I don'trecommend male/male bondings because they so rarely work out.

Personally, I thinkif your rabbit is used to being alone hemay not be too happy about sharing with another one. My two are sopossessive of me that I'd never introduce another rabbit with them.
I don't know if this is an option, but you couldcheck it out: bunny dates. Lots of rescues will help you pick out aproper companion for your current bun. I know the Minnesota HRSsponsors many bunny dates each year. They let you bring your bun andthe potential adoptee to a neutral location where they can meet, thenif that date goes well there's an in home trial. You might try workingwith local shelters to see if trial periods are available. And justbecause your bunny doesn't bond with it's first date doesn't meananother wouldn't work out. I currently have two buns who came from ashelter where they rejected all mates but each other and now they'reinseperable! It's a joy to watch them play together and groom eachother.

And neutering and spaying is a must!!
Welcome to the forum

It happens in a lot of the rescues in the UK too :). You can take yourrabbit along and see which ones he likes and which ones are a definiteno. It's common for a rabbit to reject up to three or four possiblematches and then go WOW he/she's the one for me :cool:.

Certainly takes a lot of the stress out of the bonding process :). Fun for the rabbit too I guess.

If you're happy for Snowball not to have kits (which I think's a gooddecision btw) then have him neutered before you try bonding him, it'llmake it much easier. In the cheat sheet for rabbit care there are somevery good links about how to bond. Spayed females are much easier tobond than unspayed ones.

Though I spend a lot of time with my rabbits and so does my daughter,I'd say the bonded ones I have are definitely mellower andmorecontent than they were before bonding. No less lovingthough. Eventually all my rabbits will be bonded, but it's a personalchoice. I know there are a lot of happy unbonded ones too.

This is only my opionion not a fact. but i thinkmy male bunnies prefer company more than my female bunnies.A spayedfemale would be your best choice.bluebird
EEEM wrote:
Idon't know if this is an option, but you could check it out: bunnydates. Lots of rescues will help you pick out a proper companion foryour current bun. I know the Minnesota HRS sponsors many bunny dateseach year. They let you bring your bun and the potential adoptee to aneutral location where they can meet, then if that date goes wellthere's an in home trial. You might try working with local shelters tosee if trial periods are available. And just because your bunny doesn'tbond with it's first date doesn't mean another wouldn't work out. Icurrently have two buns who came from a shelter where they rejected allmates but each other and now they're inseperable! It's a joy to watchthem play together and groom each other.

And neutering and spaying is a must!!
This is exactly what I was going to suggest. This is what I think you should do:

get snowball neutered, wait at least 2 weeks for him to recover and forhormones to die down...then take him to your local animal shelter andhave him meet some of the bunnies there and let him pick out whohe'd like his girlfriend to be. I agree, thatbreeding in this situation is unnecessary and there is just nopoint. Make sure you read a lot about introducing rabbits andowning 2 rabbits before you make the decision. Good luck,

EEEM wrote:
Idon't know if this is an option, but you could check it out: bunnydates. Lots of rescues will help you pick out a proper companion foryour current bun.
What a great idea and wonderful suggestion!!!

you know, it's great that the HRS there sees the need to try additionalpets. I think that would help in more than just rabbitsituations!

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