Wee Wabbits
Well-Known Member
I'm not worried bout the health of the oldermale if you didn't neuter him, just think he would try to mate with thelittle one and possibly injure him, even though it is a male. Hepotential could fight with him too, but mine never did. I hadtwo males together that weren't neutered, when I was young and naiive,and they never fought. But they grew up together.
If you get him put one cage next to the other cage and letthem see each other all the time, then when they are about the samesize slowly let them out together in nutrual territory for a while andmake sure they don't fight to badly. Some rabbits get alongwith other rabbits right away, some take months. After theyget a long very well put them both in a huge cage that has play toysand hiding places and they should get along fine.
I would wait till he was at least 8 weeks old before buying him,ideally 10-12 weeks but most breeders won't hold on to them that long.
As far as a big cage, ideally at least 6 sq feet of room per rabbitwould be nice. Even more would be great. Mostpeople I know have there rabbits in 2x2 cages, can work ok for littledwarfs, but anything larger then dwarfs get very cramped anddepressed. I unfortunately have some of my rabbits in cagesthat size temporarily but they get lots of exercise outside of theircages and toys to play with inside.
If you get him put one cage next to the other cage and letthem see each other all the time, then when they are about the samesize slowly let them out together in nutrual territory for a while andmake sure they don't fight to badly. Some rabbits get alongwith other rabbits right away, some take months. After theyget a long very well put them both in a huge cage that has play toysand hiding places and they should get along fine.
I would wait till he was at least 8 weeks old before buying him,ideally 10-12 weeks but most breeders won't hold on to them that long.
As far as a big cage, ideally at least 6 sq feet of room per rabbitwould be nice. Even more would be great. Mostpeople I know have there rabbits in 2x2 cages, can work ok for littledwarfs, but anything larger then dwarfs get very cramped anddepressed. I unfortunately have some of my rabbits in cagesthat size temporarily but they get lots of exercise outside of theircages and toys to play with inside.