Shoot Lucas is a girl !!!?

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So when we got Lucas from our cousin we were told he was a boy
Well I wanted to get him neutered but still can't cause 'Rona but I flipped him over to be sure and Now I think He's a she cause as far as I know she's not spayed/neutered
Please Double Check for me I don't see any sacks so that leads me to believe he's a she
Will get photo asap
Do you know his or her age?
I can't tell gender from your photo tbh, also it is possible that if it's a boy they can retract their testicles sometimes so you can't see them, so it still no guarantee.
Depending on the age if you push skin back you should see penis out, but with young rabbits it sometimes a bit difficult, in my experience some boys can have split penis which looks a bit like vagina when they are young.
I wouldn't start panicking just yet, if you decided on neutering anyway and going to vets they will neuter in any case, boy or girl so there's no need to worry about it, they will tell you for sure if it's a boy or a girl.
Lucas is about 3 years old
so I should be able to tell
I could’nt see testicals
but I did see slit
So maybe you're right, if you can see vagina it's a girl.
If it would be a male by 3 years you should be able to find his testicles if wasn't neutered.
Anyways, she's a very pretty girl and you can ask Admins they can change your username when you are ready :) Congratulations!

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