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I'm sorry, BM, but that is the CUTEST picture of the king that ive seen. just the perfect balence of innocence and conspiracy.
BunnyMommy wrote:
BunnyMommy,that ispriceless- Jan
That picture of him just way tocute!!!! Before i got Roger i noticed a thin wire that bit. Iam thinking Luv did it. but never said anything cause i was wantingroger. Well anyways the other day i seen it further destroyed and iguess my son took scissors to it. Well it kinda slipped that i knew itwas ruined a while ago and that i thought luv did it. Notsure if she did or not. My son is destructive. The other dayhe was kicking my tires. He is only 4. Not mad just kicking them alittle. I could just imagine in 60 seconds flat him making all the airgo out. He just dont do things a little bit, he goes all theway. Well anyways back to the bunnies. I was laughing causeit was so funny, my husband knew all the time and i had to open mymouth,now Luv has to buy a new one. haha.

That picture ofSherman reminds me exactly of the puss in boots in Shrek II! You know,the part where he uses his cuteness and does his big, innocent, kittyeyes right before he attacks!

RaspberrySwirl wrote:
That picture of Shermanreminds me exactly of the puss in boots in Shrek II! You know, the partwhere he uses his cuteness and does his big, innocent, kitty eyes rightbefore he attacks!

If you haven't seen Shrek IIyoumay not pick up on the puss-in-boots/Sherman connection but it's stillfunny....and do yourself a favor, even if you're 50 yearsold,rent that movie!



Have you lost your mind?????

"Just a bunny!"



I'm as shocked and outraged as you are Carolyn! He's the King! Not just a bunny!
I think Sherman should come live in Canada with me. He'd get the respect he deserves as King. ;):p

*Grabs Sherman and runs away.*
Oh no you don't. King Sherman must be with his Queen Valencia.


wait..raspberry...did you in...its out on video?!?!? MUST HAVE!!

*moves up to Canada to move in with mybunnyboys* if ya cant beat 'em...
dreamgal042 wrote:
wait..raspberry...did you out on video?!?!? MUST HAVE!!

*moves up to Canada to move in with mybunnyboys* if ya cant beat'em...
Hmmmmm....good point! Idon't know about that. Might not be out yet!