Shhhhh! Sebastian has gone into hiding!

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Meet my new rabbit, Kio.


:pTo the rest of ya'll!
Now you did it!!!!

Sebastian's Mocha disguise (please notethe effort that went into the upright ear position :)


Well then! :shock:If you're going todisguise Sebastian as Mocha, you cannot stop me from claiming him andtaking him home to Canada. Oh he'll love it here. Anyone else want todisguise their rabbits like mine? Carolyn, how about Fauna? :p:D;)
Youleave my Sebastian alone, MyBunnyBoys!!! I just found himagain ... disguise or not, he's coming home withME!!!!
Listen up!!!! ... ALL OFYOU!!!!!... ...get away from my SNOOKUMS!!!! I see you all trying to sneakhim out of here!!!!

I'm notPLAYING!!!
Okay, you guys have FORCED me to take drastic measures ... I'm setting Mocha as a guard here to keep watch over my baby ...
Take Mocha if you want, but you wont get nearSebastian either! And as for Fauna, Mocha's in love with her and wontlet you take her.

You'll be returning Mocha pretty quick once he bites a few times. :p
Fauna kinda likes the idea of a Guard to Protect her. She thinks every Princess should have one.

"Okay, BunnyMommy. I've put on my tiara and away I go!"


Well then, just ship Fauna to Mommy #2 (me) and she'll have Mocha to guard her. ;)
That tiara picture is the cutest bunny picture I've ever seen! LMAO