Sherry's abcess broke open!! What should I do?

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Cara I am so happy that Sherry is doing OK..I am also thinking that surgery may not be necessary if the appropriate drugs are used.
Randy..I really wished you lived in my neighborhood.:D
I have been thinking the same thing about surgery maybe not being necessary. However, this morning I remembered that if they take an x-ray and it's related to her teeth, she would have to have surgery to remove her tooth. Is that correct?

I am going to call my vet in the morning and fax her some of this information for her to consider.

Thanks for posting the video of the injection. I think I will be able to do that. I guess I was thinking it had to be more targeted as with a person, like in her arm which is so tiny I thought that would be difficult.

Thanks again, everyone. I'll update when I know more on Tuesday. Sherry seems to be feeling good today.

Most jaw abscess concerns are related to impacted molars. While surgery is indicated in some's not necessary in all situations. That would be a decision to make in discussions with your doctor. In surgical interventions, it is usually multiple surgeries especially if antibiotic impregnated beads are used. They are very effective and deliver an amazing amount of drugs tothe affected area. Some vets are not at all comfortable with drug therapy only in these issues. We have had excellent success with the drug therapy and I try to avoid that surgery if possible. But that decision should be left to your doctor.

I hope the e-vet put her on pain meds. Abscesses are very painful and this is one time I use metacam (in conjunction with real pain relief)for a couple of days...not so much for the pain control (metacam is the animal version of Tylenol) but it is great for swelling. I only use it for 3 days max and it is essential to maintain hydration as metacam can be taxing on some of the organs...primarily the liver. You might want to ask the doctor about using some narcotics for a few days. Buprenorphine is great. It can be administered orally, SQ or IM. It is also long lasting. Some vets use Torb...but it is very short lived, very effective, but very short duration of relief in rabbits. Both of those are scheduled controlled drugs and might create some issues and some vets are reluctant to prescribe them. A good option is Tramadol. It is a narcotic but isn't scheduled but you still have to get it by RX. Upside is that is that it's not expensive and it's effective. Downside is that it only comes in a tab and needs to be compounded at a specific concentration....but most any pharmacist can do that. I do have the "recipe" if the doctor or pharmacist doesn't know the concentration. I would be happy to talk with one of them regarding the compounding if needed. That drug is not something that is commonly used with rabbits and is not listed in many of the manuals used in small animal medicine. I don't know of many that use it with rabbits as most prefer metacam...but there seems to be less side effects with the Tramadol with good analgesic performance. I use it a lot especially in cottontails rescues. And it can be flavored to make it taste better. Last month was grape....this month it's bubble gum.

The smell you are getting is most likely the most umpleasant odor of pasteurella multocida. It is nasty. This most likely isn't the primary is a tag along infection that is secondary to the really nasty stuff inside the abscess. And there is probably quite a bit of necrotic tissue in there too.

The main thing here is to keep your vet involved and go with her suggestions. None of us here are vets....just experienced rabbit people trying to help a bun in need. Only on the rarest of situations have I ever had a problem with the diagnosis and/or treatment of a rabbit savvy vet and the doctor is in the best possible position to offer a professional opinion on the matter...and this is a serious matter that should be treated seriously....exactly as you are doing. Best wishes and keep us updated.


This Wed I am going to Verona Wi with Beau, my dental patient rabbit. I go to an animal dentist who really knows rabbit medicine well. Beau has had abnormal incisors and has had about 5 molars pulled since last year. I am lucky that beau has never had an abscess.
If you need the assistance of an actual dentist with Sherry. Dr. Gengler is great. he is part of of the team at UWL (Dr Jean Paul Murghy) that you may have gone to previously. I hope it won't come to that but maybe he could be a consultant in case you need a dentist's opinion.
Randy- Thank you SOOO much for all of the information. I'm going to talk with my vet on Monday to come up with a game plan.

Maureen- My vetdid give me the option to go to a rabbit dentist, but I said I'd feel more comfortable with her doing whatever treatment is required. I've been seeing her for about 7 years and I feel confident with her. I think, inthe Milwaukeearea at least, she is one of the top 2 rabbit vets...along with Dr. Bloss who Julie goes to and I used to go to.

One more question...As I said, Sherry had been taking Metacam for arthritis pain and had her liver tests done regularly. The dose is .075 once per day. Would it be safe to give it to her twice/day today and tomorrow since its the only pain med she has right now?


P.S. What would I do without RO??? :)

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