Sherman's Nipping Me!

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I am curious though. You have only 3 posts and you have more mana,which is given to you by members of the forum, than Pamnock orBuckJones and others that have been here for much longer.

How is that possible??

First off:

Bunnymommy, CONGRATS-a little support here, you are not crazy forcalling everyone you know and telling them about the progress andbonding you had with Sherman ! I would do the exact same thing ifeveryone I knew didnt live so far away, as it is I email them *gringrin* I am soo excited for you (holy, this post is taking a long timesince my brain is saying things faster than my hands can type :p)WONDERFUL news, truly wonderful :) :) :):)

second, I have to agree with Carolyn on our buns understanding ourbehaviour and also I would have to say in my little bit o experiencewith my two our words as well...Carolyn actually taught me that, in thebeginning when I was so frustrated with the litter box training-and Iused the exact same phrase she used for Tucker "get in your box.." andthen sing them high praises for doing so!

Obviously Sherman knew "time out" was not a good thing!

Just like when I say Jezebel but I pronounce it short and break it downinto JEZ A BELL!! ohhhhhhhhh she is in trouble then and becomes "angelbunny"

again, I am so happy that you had such a wondeful bonding moment with Sherman, who could ask for a better thank-you?

Thanks so much for your support, HB104. It really means a lot. :)

I really love this little bunny. I don't know what I'd dowithout him. He's really my little baby. I can'tdescribe how happy I was when he didn't struggle when I was picking himup. He even tried to give me a "bunny kiss" while I washolding him!

I tell ya ... these bunnies of ours ... what can we do with them but luv 'em! :D
The beauty of the technology on this board, Spankysmom, is that we can identify your ISP.

Warning:Stop changing your name and postingbogus notes. I can identify who you are, so you're notfooling anyone.

what are you refering to ? please be specific.thanks also,take a look at the postings for 'pictures of ourother babies' this 'mana' thing is elusive to more than justmyself...what is it-some sort of clubby back patting?? maybea little too much focus is being put into some trivial aspects oflife.......h

See post entitled "TO: Trolls"

