First off:
Bunnymommy, CONGRATS-a little support here, you are not crazy forcalling everyone you know and telling them about the progress andbonding you had with Sherman ! I would do the exact same thing ifeveryone I knew didnt live so far away, as it is I email them *gringrin* I am soo excited for you (holy, this post is taking a long timesince my brain is saying things faster than my hands can type
)WONDERFUL news, truly wonderful
second, I have to agree with Carolyn on our buns understanding ourbehaviour and also I would have to say in my little bit o experiencewith my two our words as well...Carolyn actually taught me that, in thebeginning when I was so frustrated with the litter box training-and Iused the exact same phrase she used for Tucker "get in your box.." andthen sing them high praises for doing so!
Obviously Sherman knew "time out" was not a good thing!
Just like when I say Jezebel but I pronounce it short and break it downinto JEZ A BELL!! ohhhhhhhhh she is in trouble then and becomes "angelbunny"
again, I am so happy that you had such a wondeful bonding moment with Sherman, who could ask for a better thank-you?