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Well-Known Member
Mar 26, 2012
Reaction score
New Jersey, , USA
Pup has been shedding for a few months now and I realized that I am having allergic reactions every day - sneezing, itchy/watery eyes (can't wear my contacts anymore), and stuffy/runny nose - which sucks because I don't know where to keep him besides my bedroom. My family doesn't want him living downstairs and I do not want him to live outside because my first bunny's cage got torn into by a wild animal and you know the rest..... :(

How much longer does this shedding process last?! It's driving me crazy

Toby`s been shedding basically for... 4 months now? I was having the same problem as you. I'm mildly allergic to my boy and him shedding makes it really bad. I finally broke down and got an air purifier and plopped it in between my bed and his condo, and I've noticed a HUGE improvement. Aside from that, vacuum at least a couple times a week if not more and try to limit the amount that Pup is on your bed (especially pillows).
Cookie had a really bad molt about a month ago... He's still shedding a bit but no more clumps... I had a bad reaction allergy wise too, so my husband took over most of his care until he stopped dropping clumps... But he is also in a different area of the house and not allowed in our bedroom... No really suggestions other than brush or lint roll him a lot to ill all that hair out of him so it's not floating around as much... Good luck I hope it doesn't last too long for you!
Sorry if you've never seen "The Sandlot," but this little clip from the movie answers your question perfectly:


Nibbles has been shedding for over a month now and he's showing no signs of stopping. Can you go to an allergist and get some meds for when your allergies flair up?
Just remember everyone, indoor bunnies can shed all year round. Also some breeds can shed in sections which then you will see shedding all year round.

Best you can do is lots of grooming and cleaning of the crate for "dust bunnies". Also with allergies, get some meds from the Doc.

I don't have allergies myself but two of my stepdaughters do, one of whom also has asthma. When their allergies flair up we give them Zyrtec which was recommended by the Dr. It does seem to work better than any other we have tried.

It is a little expensive but I grocery shop once per week and so buy a weeks supply at a time.