Please help! I just noticed this afternoon that my 6/7 year old rabbit looks really unhappy. She is hunched in the corner of her pen and will not move even when I move to pet her (she usually doesn't like being touched). In addition, she won't eat! I gave her some pellets, some hay, and even some apple (which she usually LOVES). I sat with her and she looks like she's in pain. There's some feces clinging to her bottom (but idk what to do about that or if it's related...). I also heard a tiny "bloop" from her stomach but only once. I can't tell if her poop is small or if she has been pooping since we have another rabbit in the same pen :/(she did eat normally this morning, though). My parents don't want me to take her to the vet because it's very expensive unless we're sure it's some kind of emergency.