she was so good!

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Well-Known Member
Jun 11, 2006
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I just clipped Kahlua's nails for the first timesince I had her and she was sogood!:bunnydance::elephant::):D I had her on thefloor and my husband scruffed her gently and I put a towel over her andpulled her little feet out one by one and she was SOOOOOgood.

Just had to brag about my sweety for a second. :cool:
Isnt it great when the cooperate?!

My bunnies are always such good boys for me. I had a rude awakening atthe shelter where i volunteer last weekend. I was clipping the toenailson a 17 pound flemmie when she decided to kick her back legs outfrantically. Her foot came right at my face and one of hertoenails went right up my nose, giving me a terribly bloody nose! Itwas terrible!

Hurray for good bunnies who dont freak out when they get their nails clipped!
Haley wrote:
Isnt it great when the cooperate?!

My bunnies are always such good boys for me. I had a rude awakening atthe shelter where i volunteer last weekend. I was clipping the toenailson a 17 pound flemmie when she decided to kick her back legs outfrantically. Her foot came right at my face and one of hertoenails went right up my nose, giving me a terribly bloody nose! Itwas terrible!

Hurray for good bunnies who dont freak out when they get their nails clipped!
Oh no! that sounds horrible!
When I clip my two, I wrap them in a towel anddo the front paws first and then the back paws. It's not much fun forme and they don't particularly like it either but I try to be as gentleand fast as possible. When it's over, they get lots of pets and kindwords of encouragement.

I'm just glad that I don't have to do it more than once every 5-6 weeks...hehe.



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