IM alsoconfused about my doe! She just had a litter, her fist litterandi think sheis having a false pregnanacy as well, but before i knewto take away the father,Thumper mated with her twodays after the kits were born, which was feb 17th! Wouldntthe babies have been born already? Im very confused, cause she is verysluggish and she is round in nature and although i dont feel any peap
pods in her belly, like they say,she is eating and drinking more! Sheis laying about alot! Andshe is making her nest! she has a litter box in her nest!@ and alittlenesting cave, will she use that if she does have another litter ofkits? The male is with her, cause she goes crazy and refusesto eat her meals every time i try and seperate them both!?? what do Ido? The little baby is 6 weeks old tomrow! this ischipperluv