Sharing a cage....

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Well-Known Member
Apr 10, 2006
Reaction score
Denise from Long Island, New York, USA
Can 2 bonded bunnies share a cage or is it better for each bun to have their own cage?
I want to adopt another bunny in a few months after Trix getsspayed....and I was confused as to whether or not it is ok for 2 bondedand fixed buns to share a cage????

Sure they long as they get along.

I wish that some of mine would get along so I could conserve some space and cages.

There is a better success rate depending on the combination of sexesthat you mix. I think the most difficult is trying to put two malestogether.I can't remember the way it goes, but I'll try tofind the thread.

JimD wrote:
Sure they long as they get along.

I wish that some of mine would get along so I could conserve some space and cages.

There is a better success rate depending on the combination of sexesthat you mix. I think the most difficult is trying to put two malestogether.I can't remember the way it goes, but I'll try tofind the thread.


Thanks, Jim. My vet told me that it's easier to introduce opposite sexbunnies, and easier to introduce a female to an existing male.....
I have two bonded pairs, and the pairs livetogether. Sometimes it's hard to tell when they're ready tolive together, though. I try to err on the side of caution,so they don't get mad and fight in the cage while I'm gone atwork.

I think pairs should have decently large cages so they can get awayfrom each other if they want to. Extra levels or shelves aregood for that too. Your current cage would be great for abonded pair!

Have you read the bonding thread in Bunny 101? That will helpa lot. Male/female pairs usually work best (spayed/neutered),but fixed female pairs can work well too. Male pairs areharder but can sometimes be managed. A lot of it depends onthe personalities of the individual bunnies.

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