Send Fraggles good thoughts tomorrow.

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Well now it will be --- and in this corner wearing soft pink booties and a lovely large dewlap ---QUEEN FRAGGLES. Gary, we think that karma has finally stuck back. Some of us are just meant to be "big boned"
gmas rabbit wrote:
Well now it will be --- and in this corner wearing soft pink booties and a lovely large dewlap ---QUEEN FRAGGLES. Gary, we think that karma has finally stuck back. Some of us are just meant to be "big boned"

:roflmao:Oh yeah, Gary wants to see her hocks in socks!
The only reason I know about the sore is cause it was found by the rabbit handler at the spa. So she is on fleece and blankets. Its not a severe sore so I am hoping that if we can do something about her weight then it will heal on its own.
Reuben also has sore hocks; just a bald patch on his heels. I'm going to put some coconut oil on it, and just wrap them. But, not only is he on the plumper side of things, but I have lino in my room. I don't know what I can put down to cover it...I have towels and blankets down anyway, for somewhere soft for him to go, but he just digs them up. :/
Sparky used to weigh 7 pounds and had a terrible time with sore hocks (she is mini-rex). Yes, she was overweight. During her bout with dental abscesses she dropped down to 4 pounds. Since regaining her health, she is now a very fit 5.5 pounds and all the fur on her feet has filled in. I don't recommend the dental abscess diet for anybunny though!!!
Cheyrul, they're not really sore hocks until they're actually sore. Mini-rexes will often have the bald spot without it developing into anything, I honestly wouldn't worry.

The carpet fibers are often a problem, but the varied surfaces are great.

It's not always related to soft surfaces, either. I have great luck using rock mats.

I hope Fraggles is enjoying her diet. (Or should I say I hope Jason is enjoying Fraggles diet).

sas :bunnydance:

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