Well-Known Member
Haley wrote:
The antibiotics can also set off the bacterial imbalance,though. My vets say to give my bunnies probiotics (acidophilus), although I'm not sure they did any good.
Coccidia are commonly found in rabbits, but only rarely cause problems. Sometimes it'sa diet-related Intermittent Soft Stool problemand not Coccidia, but the parasites arepresent so the vet treats it with antibiotics,and I can't help but think that can make it worse.
onder: In your case, he needed the antibiotics regardless, though, so that'snot really an issue.
It's always a tough call. Best just to keep them drinking a ton and eating as much hay as possible no matter what he's got. I'm not sure any pellets should be given at this point,but that's a tough call, too. Some ISS bunnies react badly to pellets, some to veggies. If it was simply diet-related, it's just a matter of experimenting. Even a few pellets seemed to make Pipp's Cecal Dysbiosisworse, butCritical Care and veggies made it better.Every bunny is different.
Just really keep an eye on his fecal output. If his poops start getting small and hard, he's going to need to get preventative treatment for stasis, diet-wise, in addition to the gut stimulant.
You can try some pumpkin regardless, and I think maybe a bit of Nutri-Cal if he goes awhile without eating his cecotropes. As previously noted, Critical Care is good for nutrients as well as fiber,it may be something to try regardless if nothing else seems towork.
I'll be keeping aneye on this thread, hope he gets over it soon.
Coccidia is caused by an intestinal parasite, whereas CD is an in balance in the bacteria in the gut (usually caused by too many carbs in the diet).
Heres a great article http://www.bio.miami.edu/hare/poop.html
The antibiotics can also set off the bacterial imbalance,though. My vets say to give my bunnies probiotics (acidophilus), although I'm not sure they did any good.
Coccidia are commonly found in rabbits, but only rarely cause problems. Sometimes it'sa diet-related Intermittent Soft Stool problemand not Coccidia, but the parasites arepresent so the vet treats it with antibiotics,and I can't help but think that can make it worse.
It's always a tough call. Best just to keep them drinking a ton and eating as much hay as possible no matter what he's got. I'm not sure any pellets should be given at this point,but that's a tough call, too. Some ISS bunnies react badly to pellets, some to veggies. If it was simply diet-related, it's just a matter of experimenting. Even a few pellets seemed to make Pipp's Cecal Dysbiosisworse, butCritical Care and veggies made it better.Every bunny is different.
Just really keep an eye on his fecal output. If his poops start getting small and hard, he's going to need to get preventative treatment for stasis, diet-wise, in addition to the gut stimulant.
You can try some pumpkin regardless, and I think maybe a bit of Nutri-Cal if he goes awhile without eating his cecotropes. As previously noted, Critical Care is good for nutrients as well as fiber,it may be something to try regardless if nothing else seems towork.
I'll be keeping aneye on this thread, hope he gets over it soon.