* innocent tone of voice * Why, MyBunnyBoys, of course you canhave a hug... ...You justcan't haveSebastian!BunnyMommy- What, I'm not good enough for a hug?Or you just mad that Sebastian's MINE! ALL MINE!
*Evil laugh and then looks around innocently.*
RaspberrySwirl- That demon bunny you were talking about, that's Mocha. Just a note, watch your fingers! :shock:
MyBunnyBoys wrote:* innocent tone of voice * Why, MyBunnyBoys, of course you canhave a hug ... ... You just can't have Sebastian!BunnyMommy-What, I'm not good enough for a hug? Or you just mad thatSebastian's MINE! ALL MINE!
*Evil laugh and then looks around innocently.*
RaspberrySwirl- That demon bunny you were talking about, that's Mocha. Just a note, watch your fingers! :shock: