Sebastian Bit Me....I Think....

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NO thank you! He doesn't need groomed anymore anyway. Now he just needs a parka. He's bald!

You shaved that poor little bunny again?

He must be humiliated! Go get him a baby doggie coat! :X
Oh my baby Sherman! I want more pictures! I just want to hug the King!
RaspberrySwirl wrote:
NO thank you! He doesn't needgroomed anymore anyway. Now he just needs a parka. He's bald!


So where's the new photos, Raspberry?

I know I'll neverhear the end of it. The harassment will never stop, so here it is. BUTNO SPEEDOS!

Sebastian's NEW HAIRCUT!!!



Eek!! That's terrifying!! What is it?!!! :shock: LOL

Max bit Dan last night. The buns are in our room just now asmy friend is coming to stay and is allergic to everything so the bunshave been moved out of their room to make way. Max was out onthe bed last night whilst we were lying in bed reading. Ialways pet her when she comes up, but obviously Dan was too engrossedin his book, so she bit him as if to say "Hey, I AM here youknow! Give me attention!" then danced away down thebed again! LOL
RaspberrySwirl wrote:
I know I'll never hear the endof it. The harassment will never stop, so here it is. BUT NOSPEEDOS!

Sebastian's NEW HAIRCUT!!!



How dare you imply that that's ourSebastian!!

Dephinum said- "Eek!! That's terrifying!! What is it?!!!"

Bunsforlife said- "That would be a naked molerat"

Dephinum said- "The poor little thing! Bit scary that! It's past Hallowe'en!!"

How's that for friendship? Poor littleguy shares an embarrassing moment with his forum buddies and they talkabout him behind his back! :X Calling my boyugly!

What is that term again???

ahh right, "Only a face a mother could love"

*grin grin*

okay even if it is a naked molerat, I would go with that just toprotect your lil Sebastian from the wicked ways of some of thesebunnapers here....

How dare you call Sebastian that little thing!

Sebastian loved his Speedo! He'd rather wear that then be naked and who posted that in the first place?

And quite frankly, we were never talking behind anyone's back, it was right in the open for everyone to see. ;):p

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