scrubbing around the house?

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Well-Known Member
Dec 23, 2010
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Paoli, Pennsylvania, USA
Hi! I'm interested in seeing how frequently people do differnt cleaning chores around their house, particularly scrubbing. I'm in an organizational class that is helping me set up a cleaning schedule but it's hard to figure out. I'm not sure what "normal" people do. It's so much easier to see what to do with the animals compared to other areas of the house.
Well. I'm probably not considered normal. I'm a clean freak and obsessive about weird things. Like streaks and spots on mirrors, I love vacuum marks in carpet, pillows have to be just so on the sofa. Yup, I'm strange.

So my house is never dirty and I'm never behind on housework. I think I clean continously. So for example I scrub my kitchen floor everyday. Counters are wiped several times a day. I can't have even one dish in my kitchen sink so dishes are loaded into the dishwasher immediately after use. My sons toys are picked up several times a day (although he has a play room I'm not picky about so things stay disorganized there)

Things I'm probably more normal about are toilets are scrubbed once a week. Showers and tubs are scrubbed once every two weeks. I dust once a week. I vacuum a couple times a week because i love freshly vacuumed carpet. I scrub out kitchen and bathroom sinks once a week.

As far as Agnes and Archie, I'm constantly cleaning their area. Litterboxes are scooped out twice a day and several times a day I'm either wiping something down in their cage, picking up stray poops, picking up hay, reorganizing toys etc. Then once a week is a deep clean for their cage an area.
I also wanted to say have you ever heard of Norwex? Best. Invention. Ever. for people who are clean freaks like me. There is this rag they have called the enviro cloth. It has silver in it, so it's a natural antibacterial, so you can clean with just water!! It's flipping amazing. So I can quick wipe pretty much any surface down in my house with this rag and just water. Not only is it green, but it saves money on not using paper towels, not having to buy as many cleaners, I LOVE it. Norwex has many products but the enviro cloth is my favorite!
:shock: you have quite the schedule! Just reading that makes me hurt and want to cry! :cry2

I was a clean freak once-uppon-a-time, before fibromyalgia.
I don't think a cleaning schedule is or can be the same for every household. Many things will factor into what and how often you clean. Like how many people live in the house, are there pets in the house, kids? Are their two or more adults to split chores? Are the adults in the house working outside of the home? Do the older children in the home help with cleaning?

The answer is different for everyone :)

I work 40 plus hours and have a husband to help with outside chores but not so much in the house. He works two jobs so I wouldn't expect much in the way of housework from him.

Keeping things picked up and neat help make the house feel in order even if certain things are not done. Dishes are washed when used and never left dirty in the sink. The bed is made in the morning. Dirty clothes are put in the hamper. That way I feel more in control even if the floor might need cleaned or the sheets need washed.
MiniLopHop wrote:
:shock: you have quite the schedule! Just reading that makes me hurt and want to cry! :cry2

I was a clean freak once-uppon-a-time, before fibromyalgia.

Yes fibromyalgia cannot be fun :( my aunt has it and she tried to explain it and it sounds awful......
I do each task about once a week. Not all on the same day, just some point during the week I'll sweep and "mop" (I have a rubbermaid spray mop dealie that you can put your own solution in) the hardwood and linoleum, then some other day I'll do whatever dishes are in the sink (they're done at least every other day, but I like to start the task with an empty sink) and then disassemble the stovetop so I can rinse off the grates and wipe up any spills and crumbs on it. Once a week I do a full overhaul of Monty's crate where I totally empty it, wipe the tray down with enzyme cleaner, dump and scrub and vinegar her litter box, sweep and mop and wipe the walls down behind her crate, and then put it all together. She likes that day the best because she gets to run around in the kitchen much longer than usual and I "brush" her with the broom. Weirdo likes that just like my old kitty did. I didn't clean as much when I had a full-time job, but things are different when I'm left to my own devices for half the week. *goes nuts*
Well I don't clean my house, my mum does.. And she hoovers at least once a day, cleans the kitchen sides down if there is a little dot, even if I wash my hand and a bit of water slashes up she has to clean the water off! Aha
My house is forever smelling of fruits because she is non stop spraying freshener! She said cuz we have 4 pets living indoors that it can make the house smell lol she must spend hours just cleaning a day because she says she finds it fun! Ahah! she is a serious clean freak! Most things in my house are just there 'for show' like cushions on the sofa, candles on the table ect lol
Lisa, I wish I could clean like you do!

I, unfortunately don't have a dishwasher (damn this old house!) So I have to wash dishes by hand everyday, usually before and after dinner. <-depending on how many glasses of wine I had with dinner. If its 2 the dishes will get done, if its 3 (which is rare) nothing is getting done!
I sweep my kitchen most of the time after I wash dishes. And wipe the counters down. I scrub the kitchen sink out a few times a week.
I vacuum a few times a week, the joy of having multiple inside cats.
I scrub the bathroom; shower, toilet, sink; once a week, but pick up the clothes everyday (damn that husband!)
I scrub the floors once or twice a week, depending on whats going on.

As for Foo, her litter box gets cleaned everyday and her cage gets swept out. I hose the whole cage, litter box, and hay box out once a week and scrub it down with some vinegar. It usually doesn't need it, but sometimes she pees over the side of her box.

Missy, Foo likes to be brushed with the broom too. She'll attack the broom then I'll sweep her and she'll stretch out so I don't miss any spots while sweeping her. She is also a weirdo.
I forgot to mention that, I have a good cleaning plan that could be helpful to you Brandy, because of your fibro.

Its a 20 minute a day cleaning plan. You focus on one thing a day for 20 solid minutes. It goes in 30 day cycles. It didn't quite work out for me because I have to wash dishes by hand and I have a young child who is a walking disaster. But it could work out for you. If you would like to plan, then I would be glad to PM it to you, or if anyone else would like it, I could just post it on here. Let me know :)

Another thing that I've read that seems to help people keep their houses clean is to keep the sinks scrubbed clean at all times. The kitchen and the bathroom sinks. Also to keep the beds made.

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