Litter boxes where they go might help. I use Kiln dried pine--the drying gets rid of the phenols, so it is alright to use. Also shred newspaper--they use it for bathroom visits as well as dig in it an generally play with it.
I have a corner litter box the male uses it more than the female does , its alittle small so when I get there cage set up bigger I will put in a larger litter box , I was thinking of using corn cob bedding or yesterdays news for litter ?
Don't use the corn cob litter. It's not considered safe.
Yesterday's News is a good choice, but it's more expensive than the kiln dried pine.
Is there a Rona or Home Depot in GP? (I'm guessing yes!) They should carry wood stove pellets (kiln dried pine) that make excellent rabbit litter. Absorbs the smell really well and is easy to clean.