slavetoabunny wrote:
I keep warning Pat to cut back on treats for Sparky and Scooter now that they are getting older. They are five years old now. Their digestive systems can't handle the same stuff as when they were young (I notice the same thing with myself, lol).
I suspect that's a big part of it. Scone will be six in February, and if I'm honest I'd have to say I'd been giving him more craisins and banana chips lately since he started going over to the dishwasher, standing on his hind legs and begging. I couldn't resist. However, it'll be kale and parsley treats from now on (OK, mostly...)
I wondered how Scone would do spending the whole day at the office. I was especially wondering if he'd realize he was meant to use the bottom of his travel cage as a litter box. Every other time he's been in the office he's either only been there for a short visit, or was too sick to leave his cage.
No worries - he was perfect. Got the litter box idea right off the bat, and just chewed on the boxes and paper I left out for him. Everyone made a real fuss over him. I met with some clients, and he just lay down next to me and napped. When we were alone he investigated every square inch of my office, and stood up at the door to watch people pass by.
He did figure out he could nose open my office door at one point, and went off to see who he could meet while I was on the phone. We've got a whole floor of an old bank building, and it's much more room than he's ever had to explore in his life. I found him all the way across the office, visiting with one of my associates. We had a session of "chase the bunny around the office", which he enjoyed greatly, until I finally said, "treat, Scone" and he ran ahead of me back into my office and sat expectantly by his dish for some kale.