Phinnsmommy wrote:
Im going back tommarow!
Im so mad...
I diskike school alot, excpet when the classes are intesting. I would love college, where I get to choose what I get to study, but middle school is just stupid!
Hey, I work in a middle school! :nonono: (Note how I emphasized your words in red - hehehe).
Im going into 7th, which everyone says is the hardest. Yay, I cant wait.
This is what school consists of:
1) 6 hours of sleep
2) Boring talks by teachers
3) Nasty cafeteria food
5) 30 min busrides
6) Homework
7) Not as much time with the bunnies
8) Homework
Seriously, I do work in a school and I was back at work 2 weeks ago. Students returned last Monday, so this will be week 2 for them.
I'm sorry to hear that you dislike school so much. I am a teacher's aide and work with 7th & 8th graders, so I know that many of them would rather do anything but be in school. But I LOVE my job and my students...and I hope that I help to make school least a little.
I know what you mean, though, about wishing you could pick your classes. That will actually start sooner than college. You should be able to choose many of your classes in high school. Oh, and there will be many college classes that you won't have any choice about, either. That's just how education is. What becomes really cool is when you've finished ALL your education and you can totally choose what to learn about - you will spend all your life learning in one way or another.
You just have to endure the next 2 years of middle school the best you can. Why not decide to make it less boring?
- Take music or fun books along for the bus ride.
- Pack your lunch so you don't have to eat the cafeteria food (I do that).
- Set aside a place at home where you always go to do your homework. Make it some place comfortable, but also a place where you will stay focused and not get distracted. Have all your supplies right there. Pick the best time for you to work. Some people like to get to it as soon as they get home. Others need a little break before they get to work. Once you start on your work stick with it remembering that you will be able to hang with your bunnies or chat on RO once you're done.
- Work on long-term projects a little at a time. If you do that you won't be stressing the night before something is due.
- Keep up with your homework! Seriously. Getting behind is the last thing you want to do. If you stay on track you may find that you really don't have as much work as you thought you did.
- Be sure to take a little time for yourself to do things you like.
- Get to know some of your teachers. They might not be as boring as they seem.
- Decide that you will not be bored. Sometimes boredom is a self-inflicted attitude. Give every subject a chance to be interesting. Try you best in each one. And if you find a subject that is tough (math was always hard for me), tell your teacher so you can get help.
- Work to the best of your ability, but don't put unreasonable expectations on yourself. You may be an A student in math but get C's in science. That's okay if you're giving everything your best effort.
- Relax. Enjoy! Have fun!
Okay, so I know this sounded :soapbox. And I'm sorry if it was boring or like I was lecturing you. That's not my intent.
Deep in my heart I love to learn things...and I wish that I could impart that love to all the students I work with and every other student I meet.
No, I didn't like every class I no means. I can remember crying over impossible Physics assignments. I struggled with higher level math. I stank at art. I was not an athlete - so phys ed was not fun. But there were some AWESOME subjects (I LOVE history) and some great teachers who made even the most dry subjects come to life.
I hope that you have a great year in spite of how you feel today!!!!!!
My PM box is open to you any time you want to unload on how "school sucks". I won't always agree...but I will happily listen and talk to you from an adult friend/teacher perspective.
-Mary Ellen
PS - I HATE that school limits my time with my animals and on RO, too!